One hopes that it will be the case, but perhaps it would have been handy to have some sort of suggestion of this in this issue instead of having a Romani woman joining up with a group that employs the use of internment camps.
Moving aside for a moment…the art by Steve McNiven, Jay Leisten and[...]
matthew wilson Archives
And the colours from Matthew Wilson work wonderfully to add extra layers to Anka's work.
Art by Kris Anka and Matthew Wilson
The issue, and the series as a whole, has a sense of a creative team who have really gotten to know each other and work to each others strengths This is shown in one level[...]
Cover by Jamie McKelvie and Matthew Wilson
Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie's love and admiration of music is well documented Hell, both came to the audiences awareness through a comic about the very magic of music in Phonogram And The Wicked + The Divine, their latest masterpiece theatre of a series, is literally about popstars as[...]