minecraft Archives

Telltale Games Reveals Second Season Of 'Minecraft: Story Mode'
A sequel to Minecraft: Story Mode is in the works While Telltale themselves haven't revealed anything about the game, this link to the Austrailian Department of Communication and the Arts shows that "Minecraft: Story Mode: Season Two – Episode 1: Hero In Residence" has been given approval for a PG rating. credit//Telltale Games No release date or[...]
Someone Built An MMO Into Minecraft
You'll never have to choose between playing Minecraft and your favorite MMO ever again. Wynncraft is a fully functional MMO built on a Minecraft server and has the usual MMO features like quests, leveling, guilds, bosses, and it all takes place on an enormous map that's around 4000 x 5500 blocks in size The game's description is a[...]
Minecraft Is Getting A China Themed Pack In October
The popularity of Minecraft is staggering I don't know if there has ever been anything like it in games, with its popularity remaining at a massive high all these years later. The game is still getting supported too, as you can see with this announcement of the Chinese Mythology Mash-Up Pack This pack is centered squarely[...]
Heads Up! You Can Play Pokemon While Playing Minecraft…Sort Of
Well, it's not fully functional, but yes, a Minecraft Pro figured out how to create a nearly functional Pokemon Red simulator. The YouTube and Reddit user goes by Reqaug, and this video is popping up everywhere… Take a look for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5DwPgYp6vkVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Working Pokemon GBA in Minecraft (1.10 – Structure block[...]
Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 4 Gets A Trailer
Minecraft: Story Mode is bigger than I even realised There have been TV commercials for the game, and that is pretty striking to see from a Telltale game Indeed, perhaps it shouldn't be as big a surprise though Minecraft is the biggest thing with younger audiences since…well, ever. Episode 4 is launching next week, and to[...]
Telltale Games' Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 3 Out Next Week
Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXKJulRRU4cVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 3 Trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXKJulRRU4c) Telltale's Mincecraft: Story Mode has been churning out episodes faster than any Telltale Game has before I assume this means that most of the episodes were near done when they started hitting and it's probably a smart[...]
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode Three Coming This Month
Adam Cook writes for Bleeding Cool… Telltale are serious about Minecraft: Story Mode, it seems Having released the first episode, then quickly hit us with the second episode within a few weeks (to coincide with the retail physical disc release), according to a tweet from Head of Creative Communications Job Stauffer, episode three is coming this[...]
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 2 Is Being Stealth Released Today
This is across every platform and to get people ready for Assembly Required, this new trailer has dropped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STyZwQxUvQsVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: 'Minecraft: Story Mode' Retail & Episode 2 – 'Assembly Required' Launch Trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STyZwQxUvQs) If Telltale could keep up this pace on all of their series going forward…well, that would be swell. [...]
Minecraft Is Getting A Halo 5: Guardians Pack
Microsoft have really been using their Minecraft license to full affect You'd hope so too with a 2.5 Billion purchase of Mojang. With the upcoming Halo 5 though, the corporation has taken the chance to throw a little Halo into the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of Minecraft The new pack will have add skins[...]
Minecraft: Story Mode's First Episode Gets A Trailer
Minecraft: Story Mode is just around the corner now, and it might well be Telltale's most fascinating project yet Contextualizing Minecraft with a narrative is no small order, and it was a brave decision too as the developer's fan base is rabid for more seasons from their other series like The Walking Dead and the[...]
Minecraft Is Coming To Oculus Rift
At Oculus Connect 2, a few things were announced, but none so were probably as important as the reveal that Minecraft's Windows 10 version will be coming to the Rift This could be a killer app for the game, especially for fans who get their hands on the headset. This is a bit of an about[...]
Minecraft: Story Mode Launches In October
Seeing what Telltale Games do with Minecraft is going to be a fascinating prospect It is probably the most bizarre property they've taken on, so experiencing it play out will be pretty neat. We don't have too long to wait to play it either The Verge report that the game will be launching October 13th, on[...]
Minecraft's Stampy Cat Signs Deal For Stampy's Lovely Book, Out Next Month
So that's my kid's Christmas and birthdays sorted. Though they may have to get them early. Egmont Publishing is to publish Stampy's Lovely Book by Stampy Cat (also known as Joseph Garrett), one of the most subscribed Youtubers, an all-ages friendly Minecraft player And my kids' hero. He has six million subscribers, four billion views and 47 million views a month[...]
Amazon Supposedly Outs Minecraft: Story Mode Release Date
Minecraft: Story Mode is going to be very interesting to watch play out Seeing how the core Minecraft audience adapts to playing a Telltale narrative will be an interesting transition to see occur in real time. We might well have a release date for the title now too According to Amazon (via Destructoid), at least for[...]
HoloLens First Version Is Not Focused On Gaming
In business, productivity, science and, of course, entertainment, the potential uses for HoloLens make the mind race. As we saw at E3 with the mindboggling Minecraft presentation, the application for gaming could be very exciting too Generating worlds onto your table could be great However, when speaking to ZDnet, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said the first version of[...]
Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode Gets A Trailer Featuring Patton Oswalt
There have been a lot of people wondering exactly what a Telltale Minecraft game looks like, ever since it was announced that the narrative driven developer was taking on the formless toy box world. At MineCon, which is currently happening just down the road from me now, the first trailer for Minecraft: Story Mode was finally shown[...]
E3: This Minecraft HoloLens Demo Is A Sign Of The Future
Microsoft announced a new Minecraft mode for the headset, which allows you to recreate in-game worlds and act as some kind of giant looking in on a server You can see your friends roaming around the world as you look down as well as reveal little secrets of the environment for them Oh, you can[...]
Minecraft Jerome ASF's The Baka Chronicles Gets Its Own Show On Machinima
From Machinima's New York presentation…. Minecraft player star Jerome ASF, with 3,600,000 YouTube subscribers and the creator of  N00b Adventure creator Jim Schwerfeger for a new live action series from Machinima, The Baka Chronicles. Baka Chronicles features Jerome ASF's character, Baka (or Bacca- possibly renamed to avoid Star Wars issues), the series follows two unlikely server admins who problem-solve the antics of[...]
Turkey Might Be Banning Minecraft For Being Too Violent
All of this is ludicrous, but we are going to push through this story together. Kotaku are reporting that Turkey might be on the edge of banning Minecraft for being too violent The Turkish Family and Social Policies Ministry have submitted a report to the courts calling for the game to be banned. In a story by the[...]
The Geek Shopping Ninja Strikes: Minecraft Edition
This week's theme is all things Minecraft! I still remember the day that I spent $15 dollars to buy the beta version It was a glorious day filled with tons of gaming, and it's amazing how large the empire has grown since then… 1 Minecraft Board Game T-Shirt from Threadless.com ($9.95) I absolutely love the design of this[...]
The Entirety Of Westeros Is 70% Complete In Minecraft
People have made some stunning things in Minecraft The game has acted as a canvas for life sized models of all manner of things, from Starships to cities. Nothing has impressed me quite like this though A group of players have been slowly working on piecing together the entirety of Game of Throne's Westeros Kotaku report[...]
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Is The Top Selling Game Of 2014
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare came in at the top, Madden 12 in second, Destiny in third, Grand Theft Auto V in fourth and Minecraft in fifth. It's worth noting these numbers only account for physical sales mind The one on this list I'm really looking at is Minecraft, which does huge digital sales numbers on[...]
On Saturday, 1.4 Million People Were On Minecraft Concurrently
Minecraft is one of the best selling standalone games of all time, with estimates saying around 50 million copies of the game have been sold on all platforms to date To illustrate that number, you could give a copy to every single person who lived in South Korea and probably still have several million left. The[...]
Minecraft Was The Second Most Searched For Term On Youtube In 2014
So Minecraft has basically taken over the world I don't much know how, but there is close to no denying it That isn't a total surprise though The game is basically the biggest thing in gaming right now First it was just a little, slowly rolled out game from Sweden Next thing we know, its developer[...]