new york comic con Archives

All The Creators Behind The Jack Kirby 100th Birthday Kamandi Challenge For DC Rebirth
Derek Trum reports from New York Comic Con from the DC Meet The Publishers panel In celebration of Jack Kirby 100 th birthday DC will release Kamandi Challenge Mini series featuring multiple talents. Each creative team will be writing stories that take place In a different area of Kamandi's world and will leave things with a cliffhanger[...]
Getting My Poster Signed By The Cast Of Ninjak Vs The Valiant Universe
The Valiant Universe At New York Comic Con (   What can I say? I geeked out a little after seeing the trailer… So, at the Valiant booth just after their big panel, I had to get their poster signed Little did I know Kevin Porter was already a Bleeding Cool fan.. can't be loaded because JavaScript[...]
The Complete Ninjak Vs The Valiant Universe Panel At New York Comic Con
Theler said it's a bucket list checked off to be announced as a hero at New York Comic Con Barry said this is on her vision list, too, and took a picture of the audience, and all the cast members joined in taking audience videos, to applause. Porter and Foster trained together for their parts, they[...]
Jason David Frank Doing The Voice For Bloodshot – And Bloodsquirt – For Live Action Ninjak Vs The Valiant Universe can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Jason David Frank's Voice Of Bloodshot… and Bloodsquirt – For Ninjak Vs The Valiant Universe ( From the New York Comic Con panel for Ninjak Vs The Valiant Universe live-action web series, Jason David Frank just gave us a taste of his Bloodshot voice – and his Bloodsquirt voice! I could[...]
Heavy Metal Star Wars At New York Comic Con – Feel The Dark Side can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Heavy Metal Star Wars At New York Comic Con 2016 ( From the foyer of NYCC… Come on feel the force! can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Heavy Metal Star Wars At New York Comic Con 2016 ( From the foyer of NYCC… Come on feel the[...]
Dave Gibbons' Own Watchmen Sequel, At New York Comic Con
Okay so it's actually pretty small. And it's certainly not all squid. But Dave Gibbons did seem to be creating his own Watchmen sequel yesterday at New York Comic Con, demonstrating how he believes the New Yorkers should have dealt with the giant squid alien excursion towards the conclusion of the famous comic book… I don't know, I[...]
Marvel's Axel Alonso Is The Last Thing From A SJW – But Is Korean?
Taking quotes out of context and putting them in a headline – it's a fun game, everyone's doing it. But Abraham Riesman, Associate editor at NYMag and vulture has, at least given us the transcript from the Black Panther 50th Anniversary Panel at New York Comic Con yesterday, and the fully transcribed sentences in particular which has caused much discussion online… So,[...]
The Madness Of Jason Frank At Valiant's Booth Yesterday (VIDEO)
But that's what happens when you get Green Ranger Jason Frank signing comics with him posing as Bloodshot… can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Madness Of The Valiant Crowds At New York Comic Con ( Man, it's going to be even madder after today's panel isn't it? [...]
When Donald Trump Comes To New York Comic Con
Outspoken retailer Dennis Barger was unable to attend this year's New York Comic Con, as he was dealing with the death of his friend and comics legend Gary Reed. But he did have time to conjure up this hat… …which made it to the show. Trump is big at NYCC, and not just among the cosplayers[...]
Stolen At NYCC: Signed Benedict Cumberbatch Dr Strange Print
Stolen at New York Comic Con from Lauren Becker's booth, an 8×10 inch signed Doctor Strange print by Benedict Cumberbatch. Do let us know if someone tries to sell it to you… Stolen at New York Comic Con from Lauren Becker's booth, an 8×10 inch signed Doctor Strange print by Benedict Cumberbatch. Do let us know if[...]
Scout Comics Launch 4 New Books For 2017, At New York Comic Con
Scout Comics, one of a number of intriguing small press publishers who are starting to bulk up into the big leagues, have announced four new comic books to launch in 2017, at New York Comic Con. WELCOME TO PARADISE Written by A.C Medina Illustrated by Morgan Sawyer Colored by Ross A Campbell Lettered by Micah Myers Filled with deadly drag races[...]
The LGBTQ HQ Scavenger Hunt Of New York Comic Con
Ou of of the back of New York Comic Con… nestled snugly behind the Marvel booth, lies the LGBTQ comic book scavenger hunt…   An excercise for attendees to encounter as many LGBTQ-related activities, booths and tables at the show – and win big for everyone you can get to stamp your card. It's all devised by one[...]
Peter David Talks To Bleeding Cool About *That* New York Comic Con Panel (VIDEO UPDATE)
By Luigi Novi Sofia Annunziata wrote the following report for Bleeding Cool regarding the X-Traordinary: The LGBT Characters Of The X-Men panel she attended at New York Comic Con. Things have moved on a little since then But she reported it, thus; Moderated by Jude Biersdorfe, included seasoned X-Men writers Chris Claremont and Peter David, as well as Max[...]
Kevin Smith Talks Batman V Superman
Matt Farnham writes, AMC brought back the cast of Comic Book Men to New York Comic Con as they prepare for the launch of season 6 The show sees Walt Flanagan try and manage the sometimes wild behaviors of Bryan Johnson (I'm not even supposed to be here, as I don't work at the store), Ming[...]
Walt Flanagan Is Taking Batman To Hell
Matt Farnham writes, AMC brought back the cast of Comic Book Men to New York Comic Con as they prepare for the launch of season 6 The show sees Walt Flanagan try and manage the sometimes wild behaviors of Bryan Johnson (I'm not even supposed to be here, as I don't work at the store), Ming[...]
War And Peace, Ferrets, And "Blow Me" With Underworld And Resident Evil
Madeline Ricchiuto writes from New York Comic Con, Screen Gems and NYCC got together to give guests of NYCC a sneak peek at the latest installments of the Resident Evil and Underworld franchises. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter follows Alice (Mila Jovovich) as she returns to The Hive in Raccoon City, where the Umbrella Corporation is gathering[...]
Marvel Will Talk About New Star Wars Ongoing Series… Next Week
We're putting our money on a new Star Wars: Doctor Aphra series from Marvel starting in December by Kieron Gillen and Kev Walker. Well at the Marvel Retailer Panel at New York Comic Con, they gave no more details. But they say they will next week. So hang on, okay? We're putting our money on a new Star[...]
Ta-Nehesi Coates Verbally Agreed To Continue Black Panther After Issue 12
Straight from the Marvel Retailers Panel At New York Comic Con, Ta-Nahesi Coates has previously told people that he was writing twelve issues of Black Panther from Marvel But announced to retailers today, he has verbally agreed to continue writing the series after that contract has expired… The rejoicing may begin… now.   [...]