overwatch Archives

Overwatch's Winter Wonderland Event Is Now Live
So, here is your PSA Overwatch fans. Blizzard have now lifted the curtain on the holiday event in Overwatch, Winter Wonderland is now live It was officially revealed in this new trailer, with a couple map reskins and skins for Lúcio, McCree, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Roadhog, Sombra, Torbjörn, Tracer, Winston and Zenyatta. Oh, also, Symmetra's double ultimate[...]
Overwatch's Holiday Event Starts Next Week
We've been hearing a lot about a holiday Overwatch event for sometime, and judging by how the game has celebrated seasonal occasions, I'm sure just about everyone could have guessed there was one coming. However, we have some concrete information now The official Overwatch twitter sent out this tweet, inviting players to join in the even on[...]
Overwatch's New Map Oasis Is Now In The PTR
Overwatch is close to getting a brand new map as announced at BlizzCon a few weeks ago In fact, it seems we are very, very close, and some will even be able to play it now. The new map Oasis, set in a science driven Arabian city, has been released on the PTR test servers[...]
Gengi's Dragonblade Sword From Overwatch Gets Made Real
The latest Man At Arms: Reforged jumps into the world of Blizzard Entertainments newest games series Overwatch The Stagemer brothers of Baltimore Knife & Sword take on making Genji's Dragonblade sword They say that the Dragonblade is the top requested build by their fans The build includes a sword making technique that was created back[...]
So, perhaps this isn't a surprise, but a nice bit of teasing. It looks like Overwatch might be celebrating the Holidays with an event, much like its Summer games and Halloween ones This comes from datamining of the latest patch in the PTR done by Reddit user Venxa They found a ton of audio files, and one[...]
Overwatch Theory Speculates On Pharah's Father
Overwatch fan theories are part of the fandom now Making wild guesses about the story and gameplay fill the Reddit board on a daily basis This one is interesting though Posted on the aforementioned Reddit (via Polygon) it was posited that Pharah's father's identity might be laying in the skin names We already know her[...]
An Indepth Look At The Symmetra Redesign For Overwatch
This one focuses on Symmetra from Overwatch and her recent redesign In the video he detailing the adjustments and improvements that are currently being tested, along with an overview of her brand new Ultimate ability He also comments on the release time line for Oasis, Overwatch's new Control Map, and teases an upcoming feature. https://youtu.be/elN-QGyToxMVideo can't be[...]
PSA: Overwatch Is Free To Play On All Platforms This Weekend
This is just a bit of a highlight for you. Overwatch is currently in its seconrd ever free weekend, and it is cureently free to play on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 This will run until Monday. On top of that, if you like what you play, the game has seen a massive discount a ton[...]
Sombra Is Now Live In Overwatch With Patch 1.5 Release
Here is your Overwatch PSA, which I do so very much like to bring your way, and this is a big one. So, after the massive (and exasperating) ARG has gone by, and some time in the PTR, we are finally here Sombra has been released in Overwatch She's live now, and you can start using[...]
The Rise Of College Esports
Its now wonder Blizzard has put so much time and effort into building the Esports market and is pushing the new Overwatch League. Putting the argument of whether this counts as a sport or the players as athletes aside… this is a fast growing global market that other companies are now trying to get involved with[...]
Play Of The Game Is Getting An Overhaul In Overwatch
Play of the Game is one of my favorite features of Overwatch It's a really cool highlight system that is just so much fun to watch at the end of a match (provided you won.) However, it is hard to say it always gets it right though, focusing a lot on kills and ults, rather[...]
Blizzcon 2016 – Shaking Up The E-Sports World
Blizzcon rolls into town and the largest gathering of World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Overwatch, Hearthstone, Diablo and Heroes of the Storm kicks off The 10th Blizzcon wrapped up last night with a live concert by Weird Al Yankovic and I have some final thoughts on the whole thing. First off, Blizzcon is a pretty amazing thing[...]
Sombra In Action – The New Overwatch Character In Game Play
And Blizzard just released a video of that. https://youtu.be/bcrPuSRYA4UVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: [NEW HERO – NOW PLAYABLE] Introducing Sombra | Overwatch (https://youtu.be/bcrPuSRYA4U) Well we've seen the announcement for Sombra and her backstory… but the real question is, how does she play Well, she can hack… other players, health packs, turrets… she can[...]
Blizzard Launches Overwatch League For E-Sports
Blizzard announced today at Blizzcon 2016 the start of the Overwatch League, their new E-Sports league They are looking for team owners and players The idea is to have a team represent major cities around the globe This is a league that will compensate their players and offer benefits This could be a whole new[...]
Meet Sombra, The Newest Character In Overwatch
Though the character had been leaked online already, Blizzard has just release the first official look at Sombra in this new Overwatch animated featured that just debuted at Blizzcon moments ago. https://youtu.be/Og5-Pm4HNlIVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Overwatch Animated Short | "Infiltration" (https://youtu.be/Og5-Pm4HNlI) Though the character had been leaked online already, Blizzard has just[...]
Get Another Look At Sombra In New Overwatch Leak
That would be a pretty wild dynamic to bring into Overwatch Can't be long until we find out now. A few weeks ago, Blizzard accidentally let a look at Sombra slip leading to a lot of people expecting a reveal soon after However, it has been 'mostly' quiet on that front, with the character expected[...]
Overwatch Season 2 End Date And Season 3 Start Date Announced
I've slowly been picking away at Overwatch competitve mode in Season 2 I really do think it is the comprehensive mode in the game and it's where I spend the bulk of my time. It seems the second season's days are finally numbered though Blizzard have announced that Overwatch Season 2 will end November 24, while[...]
Cards Against Humanity Team Erect Overwatch Themed Anti-Trump Billboard
pic.twitter.com/ZccA5eJil2 — Darkwraith Nid (@NidtheDragon) October 14, 2016 As a devoted Hanzo hater, this has really tickled me. There is a whole website dedicated to Donald Trump, displaying his unfavourable quality in terms of Overwatch terms which is also put up by The Nuisance Committee Take a look. The presidential debate right now is a very toxic thing,[...]
You Can Play Overwatch On Consoles For Free Next Week
Overwatch is brilliant I haven't stopped playing it since it has come out, and it is rare for a multiplayer game to stick with me that long I truly believe it is that good though and everyone should give it a try. If you haven't yet either, you are in luck It has been announced that[...]
Bastion Fights His Robotic Nature In Beauitful Overwatch Short
I've very much enjoyed the Overwatch shorts thus far Thay've been really well thought out and obviously put together with a fair bit of care They always offer a little something more than what you expected. That is very much the case for their newest short focused on Bastion It's called The Last Bastion, and  explains[...]
A Beautiful New Map For Overwatch Has Been Revealed At Gamescom
Overwatch's maps are pretty much great across the board Each is distinct with its own quirks and and strengths, but there is not one I lement turning up in constant rotation. Well, hopefully that quality will be continued in this newly revealed map called Eichenwalde which was revealed at Gamescom It's set in Germany is a[...]
Ana Is The New Overwatch Support Hero; Take A Look At Her In Action
The first post release character for Overwatch has finally been revealed. As expected, it is a medic sniper who can heal and damage boost from a distance It also seems her ultimate will stop enemies in their tracks, putting them to sleep This seems like a high skill and high reward character here Choosing who to[...]