Wally West and Barry Allen, both men known as the Flash, enter their final race against Zoom. Can they save the timestream? Is it a good read?
Professor Zoom Archives
Flash War begins with Barry Allen and the elder Wally West assailed by the Renegades, a Rogues-inspired future police force, who want to arrest Iris West for the murder of Eobard Thawne. Does it make for a good read?
Eobard Thawne, aka Reverse-Flash/Professor Zoom breaks Zolomon out, and the two go about their mission of making Wally West and Barry Allen "better heroes."
The Flash #46 cover by Dan Panosian
In the present, Wally West continues to struggle with having his memories of the different timeline restored Barry and the Justice League try to help him,[...]
The Flash short story in the back of Convergence: Detective Comics #2 sets out the Flash's day to day setup, which may seem very familiar to watchers of
So with The Flash following in Arrow's footsteps, there is no guarantee that Rick Cosnett's character of Detective Eddie Thawne is anything more than what he seems… but comic fans know that Thawne has also gone by the villain monikers of Professor Zoom and Reverse Flash.
But with the swirling yellow lightning racing around Barry's mom[...]