With a little over a month to go before its October 6 premiere, Warner Bros. Pictures is keeping the promotional juggernaut for their eagerly-anticipated...
replicants Archives
The experience docents tell you to remove your visor and headphones, and suddenly you are in the movie.
It rained inside the tent, simulating the moody umbrella needed setting of the film, denizens of Los Angeles 2049 are milling around, and the LAPD are of course looking for trouble making Replicants You could sit at the[...]
Other replicants have been on the hunt for answers too, like Biron James's Leon, the first Tyrell skinjob we meet undergoing the Voight Kampf test (administered to distinguish between humans and replicants) at the beginning of the film We also meet Darryl Hannah's acrobatic anything but basic pleasure model Pris, the deadly childlike quality about her disarming[...]