ridley scott Archives

Saturday Trending Topics: Insert Your Favorite Blade Runner Quote Here
We learned some time ago that Ridley Scott was on board to direct a new Blade Runner film   But how might they get Harrison Ford involved, given all the givens?  And what does Edward James Olmos think? This one should keep the internet busy for quite some time to come.   Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today: Moffat Sets[...]
Sunday Trending Topics: Prometheus
 Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof, please don't let me down. Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today: Big Bang Theory Biting The Green Ring That Feeds It  But not even that could protect a certain summer blockbuster from geek scorn this week From the show's pre-title sequence… New Prometheus Picture Features Two Familiar Faces (Well, Not Faces Per Se) As well as Noomi[...]
Thursday Trending Topics: Prometheus
 Gotta say that the Hobbit trailer didn't wow me (yeah, I know, I'm the only one on the  internet who feels that way), but Ridley Scott's Prometheus looks… amazing  Can't wait. Most-Read Comic Stories Today: Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry And Madonna Go Back To School In Batman Leviathan Strikes!  Knowing that Batman: Leviathan Strikes! published yesterday from[...]
Ridley Scott Has Signed On To Direct New Blade Runner Entry
A certain director you may have heard of called Ridley Scott has just announced that he's signed on to direct the next entry in the Blade Runner series, though it's still uncertain if it's a prequel or a sequel Scott is currently completing production on another return to his roots with Prometheus, a sci-fi thriller[...]
Ridley Scott Talks About PROMETHEUS At Comic Con (Video)
As noted by Brendon yesterday, the Prometheus panel included a talk with Ridley Scott via satellite from Iceland  What did he have to say?  Let's roll the tape… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LeIce4lc8s[/youtube] As noted by Brendon yesterday, the Prometheus panel included a talk with Ridley Scott via satellite from Iceland[...]
Fox Releases Official Prometheus Story Details
In response to the leaked "synopsis" we shared yesterday, Fox have issued the official logline for the film: Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe The film takes a team of scientists and explorers[...]