scoob! holiday haunt Archives

Copyright: © 2020 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures Caption: (L-r) Daphne voiced by AMANDA SEYFRIED, Velma voiced by GINA RODRIGUEZ, Shaggy voiced by WILL FORTE, Fred voiced by ZAC EFRON and Scooby-Doo voiced by FRANK WELKER in the new animated adventure “SCOOB!” from Warner Bros. Pictures and Warner Animation Group.
One of the projects that got caught up in that was Scoob! Holiday Haunt a sequel to the 2020 film that was set to come out on HBO Max in December The thing that makes the Scoob! Holiday Haunt cancelation even more fascinating than the Batgirl cancelation is the circumstances under which Scoob! itself was released[...]