On the hundredth anniversary of Tarzan, we get a real treat.
Joe Kubert is one of the most lauded artists in the history of comics, a true living legend He has been a vital creative force since the 1940s and remains so to this day He has had defining runs on Hawkman, Enemy Ace, Tor, Sgt[...]
tarzan Archives
The Dynamite/Dynamic Forces response to the Edgar Rice Burroughs suit against them over the publication of Joh Carter and Tarzan comics has thrown up some interesting points.
Bear in mind that I am not a lawyer and and my musings may make as much sense as those from a fish in a hat But here are[...]
The Wall Street Journal reports that Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc, a company set up by Edgar Rice Burroughs and financially benefitting his descendants, is suing Dynamite and Dynamic Forces over their publication of Lord Of The Jungle and Warlord Of Mars comics, over trademark and copyright issues involving Tarzan and John Carter Of Mars.
Both comics, and[...]
Public domain, Tarzan may be, but there are trademarks to consider.
He's a hundred years old next year Which is why Dynamite have jumped with this trademark-sensitive title And leading off with a dollar price as well.
Written by Arvid Nelson and drawn by Roberto Castro, with covers Ryan Sook, Alex Ross, Paul Renaud and [...]