Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt follows the Flash, Raven, and Cyborg desperately trying to return to our universe with the help of Detective Chimp. Is it a good read?
the devastator Archives
The legions of Barbatos are aware of their actions and send the Devastator and the Murder Machine to attack the two heroes.
Cyborg is struggling to keep in contact with Flash, Steel, and the other teams the Justice League sent out to find the Nth Metal.
The Flash is dragged through a portal back to Central City,[...]
Dark Nights: Metal continues with the heroes backed into a corner and pulling a desperate gambit to save everyone. Also Detective Chimp shows up.
The Comedy Comics Magazine The Devastator ran a poll among indie comics creators to learn what their needs are when it comes to conventions and shows in an effort to help make those shows more welcoming for creator-owned projects The wide array of shows that the survey ended up reporting on is truly impressive, including[...]
The comedy comics magazine The Devastator is running an anonymous online survey to help serve indie creators trying to establish a presence at shows and cons, and so far haven't gotten much feedback for the East Coast, so let's help them out If you're a creator who tables at shows, or would like to, this[...]
So it's with that in mind that I'd like to talk about how much I like The Devastator by commenting on why I don't like Cracked When you read an article on Cracked, all of the pieces are written with this common "voice" so that it gives the impression of…unity? An underground facility with a[...]
Tom Gronkowski writes for Bleeding Cool;
Founded in 2009 by two LA comedy writers and funded through a popular Kickstarter campaign in 2010 – satire magazine, The Devastator, releases its sixth issue on Tuesday, October 16 The multimedia zine -known for working with the crème de la crème of comedy writing and cartooning – is[...]