Netflix released a teaser trailer for The Summer Hikaru Died, the long-awaited anime adaptation of award-winning author Mokumokuren's hit manga published by KADOKAWA A chilling blend of slice-of-life and the supernatural, Yoshiki's life is thrown upside down when his best friend Hikaru is replaced by "something" that looks and acts just like him The newly[...]
The Summer Hikaru Died Archives
In Yen Press' June 2023 solicits and solicitations (though mostly out in July) we see The Summer Hikaru Dies Vol 1, a new manga by Mokumokuren.
Yen Press announced The Summer Hikaru Died, Vol One, a rising star in the world of horror manga by artist Mokumokuren, will be available in English at last in print and digital in July 2023.
"The Summer Hikaru Died" cover art, Yen Press
The Summer Hikaru Died
By Mokumokuren
Two boys lived in a village: Yoshiki and Hikaru[...]
Yen Press will publish the English translation of The Summer Hikaru Died, a rising star in the world of horror manga by artist Mokumokuren The creator's pen name means "many eyes", which is an appropriate moniker for a creator of horror manga In a short span of time, The Summer Hikaru Died has captured the attention[...]