The Rise and Fall of The Trigan Empire, merely one of the most popular and influential British comic books of all time, is to get its first new chapter in more than 40 years. The Rise and Fall of The Trigan Empire is considered one of British comics' foundational texts – a stunning saga originally serialized with[...]
Tom Foster Archives
The return of the UK comic from the sixties, Smash!, which originally ran as a weekly comic anthology for kids in the UK from 1966 to 1971 and was the first place the UK could find Marvel Comics, serialising stories from Hulk and the Fantastic Four alongside homegrown fare, and other DC Comics titled as[...]
Eglington, Tom Foster, Warren Pleece.
DREDD movie prop exhibition, interactive displays, live drawing, the special Sláine-themed bar, MC1: Artist's Mega-Way, show-exclusive merchandise, displays from 2000 AD's licensees, T-shirtsmugs, toys replicas, art prints, back issues, Mega-City One-set Perp Photobooth…
10:30-11:15 AM GROWING REBELLION: 2000 AD & The Future hosted by Michael Molcher.
It's been four decades since[...]