variants Archives

Exactly When Mile High Comics Started To Make Money At SDCC
Taking on the big boys and their exclusive comics by spending $200,000 on exclusive variant and second prints of the new Star Wars books from Marvel. Well, before the show he had broken even on the Star Wars variants that he had commissioned and bought But then, of course there were all the costs associaed with setting[...]
Cover Variance For Spider-Gwen
There's no knocking back Spider-Gwen, she does seem to keep on selling - as these retailers commissioning exclusive variant covers continue to discover.
Star Wars: The Variant Strikes Back
By Mike Federali On May 16-17 of this year, Tidewater Comicon will be holding it's first ever two day event at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. The
Cover Variance- Spread 'Em, Spider-Man…
But be warned, when Campbell posted a link to the store, it crashed their website! They've fixed it now, and will have copies at the Toy Matrix booth at San Diego Comic Con In colour, black and white and reverse black and white. Think Geek have their variant editions of Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor and Doctor[...]
Bombshells For Everyone!!!
DC Comics are making a change to the way they make their themed variant covers will be open to order, with no minimum order of another item required.
Cover Variance: Lots Of Marvel Covers… And A Couple Of DC Ones Too. You Know, For Balance.
Avengers Undercover #1 Mark Brooks and John Tyler Christopher Variants, Elektra #1 Paolo Rivera Variant, Guardians Of The Galaxy #13 Dale Keown Variant, New Warriors #1 Chris Samnee Animal Variant, Savage Wolverine #16 John Cassaday Variant, Superior Spider-Man #27  Jenny Parks Animal Variant, Thor: God Of Thunder #19 Jenny Parks Animal Variant and a Wolverine #12[...]
The Goosing Of Marvel NOW With Variants And Discount
Admittedly, there's not much out there yet, just single issues of A+X, Marvel Now Point One, Red She-Hulk and an Uncanny Avengers, and stack of books bunching into the next couple of weeks. Nevertheless, a private poll of around eighty retailers found that none have encountered an amazing response to the Marvel NOW books, a good[...]
Gangnam Style Avengers #1 Tops The Reorder Charts
But things have changed, with new variants filling up the charts, often as a result of retailers increasing numbers on the standard comic in order to get them Indeed, this week, the only normal comics getting a close-to-the-wire extra demand without any extenuating circumstances is Last Zombie: Before The After #3 from Antarctic Press And[...]
Jesse James On Why Variants Are The Greatest Thing To Happen To Comics
Some retailers are now doing their own exclusive covers with publishers–and have been very successful in bringing in some most needed extra income as well; to expand, pay off debt or buy more inventory. There isn't a major publisher who doesn't offer variants, and you would have to wonder about a publisher who wasn't doing it.Variant[...]