Marvel has released a first full look at Weapon H, the mash-up between Hulk and Wolverine created by the Weapon X program to terrorize the cast of Weapon X and Totally Awesome Hulk during the Weapons of Mutant Destruction crossover event.
Admit it: you've always wanted to see a mash-up between Hulk and Wolverine Maybe you[...]
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*Weapon X #4 is part of the Weapons of Mutant Destruction Crossover
You know, I had high hopes for this series.
I like Wolverine, Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth, and Warpath Domino is…alright I don't dislike her; I've just never held much interest in that character.
Greg Pak, well, he's Greg Pak, Planet Hulk, World War Hulk, Phoenix: Warsong[...]
Marvel has become an event churning machine in recent years, and 2017 alone is seeing about five events what with Monsters Unleashed, Secret Empire, Generations, Inhumans vs X-Men and the end of Civil War 2…oh, and wait, there's that Weapons of Mutant Destruction cross title event too.
One of the biggest concerns that many have had[...]
Cover by Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan and David Curiel
As Marvel announces it's FIFTH event today in Weapons of Mutant Destruction, one wonders if it's to take the place on the schedule of this event, Inhumans vs X-Men, which came to an end today with it's sixth issue.
(Marvel just really likes events, okay[...]