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American Horror Stories: McCormick Talks Scarlett, Easter Eggs & More
FX on Hulu's American Horror Stories kicked off its run this week with S01E01 "Rubber (Wo)man" and So1E02 "Rubber (Wo)man: Part 2," the two-part season-opener that finds Sierra McCormick's Scarlett and her two dads (Matt Bomer's Michael and Gavin Creel's Troy) moving into Murder House- and in no time, the rubber suit is coming out, teens are being killed, and the AHS universe expands in some truly twisted and fascinating ways. One of the reasons for such an impressive start was McCormick, who spoke with EW about joining the AHS universe. Here's a look at some of the highlights:
On the Biggest Challenge to Approaching the Role: While more than fine with the murderous aspects of Scarlett's personality ("Yeah. That's fine. I can get to that place"), the sexual aspects was something new for McCormick. "I haven't really done a lot of roles that have much of a sexual nature to them. I think just the fact that that was uncharted territory for me before this was a little bit daunting. I was like, 'Oh! OK. Well, this has a pretty much exclusively sexual nature to it. So, I'm going to really be pushing myself here' — which is what I look for in any role. That's my criteria for deciding to do anything is like, if it's a challenge if it's something I've never done before if it's going to push me in some way. It definitely did."
What Made McCormick feel Confident in Tackling Those Scenes: "Our intimacy coordinator. She's amazing. I never worked with one really much before, only in a very limited capacity. She was there for many scenes that we had to discuss, but she really put me at ease and made me feel just so much better about the nature of the scenes in general. The actual shooting of them, when it came time to do it, I didn't feel surprised. I felt like everybody had my back."
McCormick's Approach & Take on Scarlett: "When I first read the script and started thinking about her as a character, I tried to think beyond the confines of Murder House and this universe to focus more on Scarlett's grounded qualities and what she's going through and the very real, very relatable things that she was experiencing in her life. That crossroad that she has reached in adolescence where she's not quite sure where she fits into the world and she's trying to figure it out. She maybe isn't quite confident in herself as a person or her sexuality. She feels pushed to go down this road that leads her to becoming Rubber Woman and doing all of these very heightened, crazy things. I tried to focus more on the real aspects of her character [to] let those sort of guide me to where she ends up."
On What Makes "Stories" Unique from "Story": "I think the very limited anthology, like the episode by episode, formula is really cool for people like me who currently don't feel like they can commit to watching an entire season, but they still love the universe and the atmosphere and the vibe that American Horror Story creates. It's the added binge-worthiness. I think is a really fun way to want to explore a really wide variety of different worlds and characters and actors within one season."
So Did You Catch That "Tate T-Shirt" Easter Egg?: "I do know there are a couple of fun Easter eggs that they threw into our episodes. Maya [Paris Jackson's character], if you notice towards the end of the second episode, she's wearing Tate's [Evan Peters' American Horror Story season 1 character] 'Normal People Scare Me' shirt. They threw in a couple of details like that were supposed to be callbacks to the original Murder House season. I would leave it up to the fans that definitely know much more about it than I do to figure out what the rest of them are."
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