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Chris Jericho Takes Credit for Best Line in Miro's AEW Debut Promo
Miro, the wrestler, formerly known as Rusev in WWE, made his surprise AEW debut on Dynamite last Wednesday. As is a tradition for a wrestler coming from WWE to another company, Miro took a few shots at his former bosses when he said, "10 years in the same house under the same glass ceiling with an imaginary brass ring… you can take that brass ring and shove it up your ass!"
On his latest Saturday Night Special podcast, former AEW Champion Chris Jericho took credit for that line and praised Miro's debut. In comments transcribed by 411 Mania, Jericho said, "I'm glad that he came in and kind of gave his mission statement. Mentioned, kind of indirectly, WWE. You know, glass ceiling, and brass ring … that was my line. He couldn't believe he could say it. He was like, 'Really? Can I say it?' I'm like, 'Yeah, you can say whatever you want here.' No problems here, baby!"
But according to Jericho, just because Miro brought up WWE during his debut doesn't mean he'll continue to dwell on it. Jericho said that Miro will move on, having acknowledged the elephant in the room, and not go back to it again. "And then we leave it there. We don't go back, and this is not a place that's constantly bashing anyone else. I mean, obviously, when you come from another company when you come from WWE, you have to acknowledge the fact that you came from there. You have to acknowledge the fact that there's a history there. But other than that, you say your piece and move on."
Personally, The Chadster respectfully disagrees with Chris Jericho. Though I don't really go in for that bashing WWE stuff, it's obvious that Miro should continue to reference his WWE as often as possible so he can continue to get the rub from it.