Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: Terry funk, wrestling, wwe
Dustin Rhodes Says Terry Funk Needs Prayers; But Funk is Not Dying
Dustin Rhodes set off a mini-panic in the wrestling world Sunday when he tweeted something that could be interpreted as indicating Terry Funk was on his deathbed, scaring the bejeezus out of wrestling fans over the idea that one of the sport's greatest living legends could be in trouble. Fortunately, it turns out that Rhodes' was merely referring to hip pain The Funker is suffering from, which is also not a thing anyone wants Terry Funk to go through, but at least is not an indication of pending doom.
"Just got off the phone with Terry Funk," said Rhodes in a tweet Sunday morning. "He is in a lot of pain and could use some prayers. One of the greatest #TrueLegends to ever be in the ting. Appreciate y'all."
As you can imagine, that led lots of wrestling fans to worry. The tweet has over 13,000 likes and spawned articles on many wrestling news sites. But Rhodes tweeted nine hours later, "Just to clarify guys, Terry Funk is just in severe pain with his hip. He is a tough SOB," sending a wave of relief throughout the wrestling community.
Funk, who began his career in 1965, last wrestled a match in 2017, teaming with the Rock n' Roll Express to take on Brian Christopher, Doug Gilbert, and Jerry Lawler. With a career spanning six decades, the seventy-six-year-old Funk has the opportunity to expand that legacy to seven if he has another match sometime in the next decade. And even if he doesn't plan to wrestle again, the last thing anyone wants is for Funk to suffer from pain of any kind. So let's be sure to send him those prayers for his hip anyway.