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Fallout Showrunners on Season 2 Themes, Lucy/The Ghoul Dynamic & More

Fallout showrunners Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet discuss Season 2 themes, fan reactions, Lucy/The Ghoul dynamic, and more.

Fallout was one of the most anticipated TV adaptations for Amazon's Prime Video, with a core led by Ella Purnell, Aaron Clifton Moten, and Walton Goggins. Based on the Bethesda video game franchise, season one covered multiple subjects in a post-apocalyptic world as they try to survive the dangers of the surface world, ravaged by war and nuclear devastation. Showrunners Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet spoke with The Hollywood Reporter, touching on a variety of subjects, including the differences between Parnell's Lucy and Goggin's The Ghoul, fan reactions, and setting the tone for season two.

Image: Prime Video

Fallout: How Showrunners Plan to Build Off Season One

When Lucy told The Ghoul, "I may end up looking like you, but I'll never be like you," after he spent 200 years in the wasteland with his face red and resembling a skeleton with far more sinister intentions. "That is the question: Is it true? Will Lucy be able to hang on to her core? It's sort of a nature vs. nurture question," Wagner said. "Has her time in a happy, cozy vault steeled her against that? We will find out. What we're already into in Season 2 is exploring how far we want to push this character; how much do we want to see her hang onto herself. It becomes the game of the show in its own way." Robertson-Dworet added, "Lucy's been out there a few days. Maximus (Moten) has been out there 20 to 30 years. And The Ghoul (Goggins) 200 years. That's why Maximus is a character who's more conflicted than The Ghoul about violence. He still hopes to do the right thing, but he knows how hard it is, and he's willing to do some immoral things in order to ultimately do the right thing."

Image: Prime Video

As far as gauging fan reactions from the first season and how it could apply to the second, "So many things were discovered in the writing, shooting and in post. It was a huge relief to us to know that Ella is an incredible performer who makes sure that Lucy is not annoying," Robertson-Dworet said. "We were very scared that our main character was a bit annoying because she's a very privileged person, and we kind of resent her for that. She comes from the world of haves and she goes into a world of have-nots, and she certainly starts the season thinking she knows better than them and being a little judgy of the people she meets for what they are willing to do to survive. Knowing that people are open to Max being a morally ambiguous character is always appreciated. But what I'm really excited to continue in Season 2 is that blend of tones, that this show can have sitcom moments that are juxtaposed with people shooting each other." "I'm sure there's a cooler way to say 'follow your bliss,' but that's sort of what it was," Wagner added. "We wrote things because we wanted to write them and shoot them, and if it ever felt like a scene was a drag, were like like, 'Well, let's not write it.' So we're just continuing to try to make our own personal and collective joy govern decisions as we go forward."

Fallout Showrunners on Season 2 Themes, Lucy/The Ghoul Dynamic & More
Image: Prime Video

For more, including what they couldn't pull from Fallout games, the series' future, and production location change, you can check out the complete interview – with the first season available to stream on Prime Video.

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Tom ChangAbout Tom Chang

I'm a follower of pop culture from gaming, comics, sci-fi, fantasy, film, and TV for over 30 years. I grew up reading magazines like Starlog, Mad, and Fangoria. As a writer for over 10 years, Star Wars was the first sci-fi franchise I fell in love with. I'm a nerd-of-all-trades.
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