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The Flash Season 4, Episode 5 Recap: Girls Night Out
This article contains spoilers for The Flash Season 4 episode 'Girls Night Out'.
It looked like Girls Night Out was going to be a one-off from the overall story arc involving the Thinker (Neil Sandilands) and the 12 new metahumans — turns out, that's not the case. The episode, of course, centers around bachelor and bachelorette parties for Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton).
The girls' party includes Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), Cecile (Danielle Nicolet), and Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) as they go out for a nice dinner — only to have it interrupted by Norvok (Mark Sweatman) and the return of Killer Frost. The guys started out innocently enough with Harry (Tom Cavanagh), Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) taking Barry to Joe's for a quiet party, when Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) arrives and takes them to the Golden Booty strip club.
The guys' party goes south when Barry gets extremely drunk thanks to Cisco, one of the strippers turns out to be Cecile's daughter, and Ralph gets into a fight over having his '#1 Customer' photo smashed. The boys end up in jail, where Joe admits he's terrified to have another kid. Barry tells him he's not alone and has Cecile and the rest of his family to help. Wells gets them out of jail (which is weird, since he was at the bar with them and has the face of a dead super-villain…) and that's it for their side.
The other interesting stuff takes place on the girls' side as we learn that Caitlin was going to skip town. We meet Anumet Black (Katee Sackhoff), whom Frost had been working for, and we learn about the Weeper (Matt Alfonso), a new meta whose tears are a love drug. Frost goes to kill Black, but doesn't as Iris gets involved. They leave and Frost has a meeting with a breacher that will allow her to escape — except Black knows about her plans and attacks. Frost gets away after she reverts back to Caitlin.
Unable to get ahold of the guys, Iris, Felicity and Cecile decide they have to go help Weeper. They get caught, but Caitlin/Frost returns and they take away Black's metal, leaving her powerless. They let her go, save Weeper, and Caitlin seems to be getting better control over her powers at the end. We then follow Weeper, who just ran off not wanting help form anyone… and he is followed by the Thinker in a floating chair who tells him he can't leave until he plays his part, and then zaps him.
First off, Sackhoff was great — maybe one of the best villains in the series so far. Not attempting to set up a backstory, no idea why she has an accent… but a fun, dangerous villain with cool-looking powers. Hopefully she'll be back a lot. We can see that Ralph is going to be the catalyst for a lot of fun as this goes along. I'm not sure why Iris thought that it was not only okay to go up against a metahuman crime lord with no real backup, but that involving her pregnant soon-to-be-stepmom was a good idea, too.
The most interesting thing was the appearance of The Thinker (the floating chair was cool), but the fact that he referred to the work he put in to make the Weeper and the specific part he has to play… this gives the impression that not only did he make the dark matter event happen and guided those specific people to that very spot at the right time, but that he also knew exactly what powers they would end up with. So far there hasn't been a specific causation for the type of powers the metas get. This could end up fodder for a lot of future stories.
The trailer for next week is interesting in that it focuses on the comedic with Ralph getting his rather disappointing superhero suit. Not Cisco's most inspired creation, and we can quickly see how Ralph is going to help keep the tone for the season lighter. But what might be the most fun is where the episode title comes from: 'When Harry Met Harry'. In the episode, Harry gets Cisco to help him summon the Council of Wells, a collection of the smartest Harrison Wells from across the multiverse. And here we will get to see Tom Cavanagh plays a variety of new Wells to add to his collection.