Posted in: CW, streaming, TV | Tagged: Brec Bassinger, dcu, geoff johns, infinity inc, jsa, Stargirl, the cw
Stargirl: Geoff Johns On "Infinity Inc" Setting Up Possible Spinoff
In the days following the series finale of The CW's Brec Bassinger-starring DC's Stargirl, series & character creator Geoff Johns has been sharing his perspectives on how the series ended, what the three seasons meant to him, and a number of other topics. Of course, we're all waiting for details on where exactly he planned on taking the fourth season if the network had given it a green light. But while we wait for that to finally surface, Johns is confirming that the seeds were planted during the third season for a spinoff series. And it's one that fans picked up on the moment the title "Infinity Inc." was announced. During the two-episode mini-arc, The Shade (Jonathan Cake), Courtney (Bassinger), Pat (Luke Wilson) & Jennie Hayden/Jade (Ysa Penarejo) ended up at The Helix Institute For Youth Rehabilitation, where we learned that Jennie's twin brother Todd (Tim Gabriel) was having some deadly issues controlling his shadow-derived powers. Thankfully, Jennie was able to help him keep them in check, and Pat gave The Shade another mission on his road to redemption: help Jennie and Todd not only to keep their powers in check but also how to use them most effectively. If you're getting the vibe that the makings of an "Infinity Inc" spinoff were underway (especially with Sandy Hawkins being name-dropped), Johns says you're right.
"Yes, I think there was a great show in Infinity Inc, with The Shade and Jade hunting down the remaining family members – the sons and daughters and nephews and nieces – of the original JSA, those who were born with power that didn't yet unlock it, Johns explained during an interview with TVLine. As Johns saw it, one of the important focuses of the proposed spinoff would've been to demonstrate the differences between the JSA and Jennie's team. With the former, you have "people who became superheroes through artifacts and not necessarily a bloodline;" with the latter, you have "characters that were born with powers that had to learn how to handle this power they inherited." But for Johns, having Cake's The Shade serving as the team's advisor & mentor adds another level of drama to what might've been. "I think there would've been something fun about watching The Shade as a villain trying to reform himself by recreating a new superhero team. There would've been something really compelling about that as a show," Johns added.