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Supernatural: Dean/Castiel Love Pretty Clear in Spanish Version
Believe it or not, there's an uproar about The CW's Supernatural that has nothing to do with the series finale "Carry On." No, this time we're heading back a few eps to "Despair." Finding themselves trapped in the bunker in the episode, Billie aka Death (Lisa Berry) wasn't going anywhere until she saw Dean (Jensen Ackles) dead. Only one problem- Billie didn't realize just how much Castiel (Misha Collins) loved Dean and how much he meant to him. Playing upon his deal with the Empty, Castiel delivered a feel-crushing speech about how knowing Dean and the sacrifices he's made throughout his life in helping others showed him what true love and happiness meant- changing him in the process. And with an, "I love you," Castiel true happiness summoned the Empty- taking Castiel and Billie with it.
Now that scene has been debated since it aired, mainly because of the sizeable number of fans out there who've wanted Dean and Castiel to be a couple though the producers have stated in the past that Dean was straight. Well, viewers who checked out the version of the finale that was translated for Spanish viewers are getting a less vague display of affection between the two. In the English version, Dean responds to Castiel's declaration with, "Don't do this, Cas." With the Spanish version having recently found its way stateside, Dean's different response has members of the SPN Family talking: "Y yo a ti, Cas"- translation: "And I you, Cas." While those who don't favor the pair as a couple clearly wouldn't be too thrilled with that interpretation, those who are pro-Dean/Castiel are also having issues with the message being sent big-picture. While the two would finally be declaring their love for one another, it would be taking place just before Castiel was pulled away into the Empty- feeding into the trope that LGBTQ characters are "easily dispensable for the sake of the story."
"Supernatural" Cast on The Journey Coming to An End
Though news of the series' was announced in March 2019 (with Collins via Instagram post, which you check out below), Ackles and Padalecki did their part to get viewers through the grieving process a month later, taking the stage at VegasCon 2019 to explain that the decision to end the series was a "community decision" and not influenced by the network or the studio. In the video below, Ackles wanted the crowd to know that the decision was one they had discussed for quite some time now, saying, "It wasn't an easy decision. It was months and months, if not years, of discussion between he and I, between the rest of the cast, between the crew, between our writers, between our producers, between the studio, between the network. Nobody wanted to see this show fizzle out."
For the Supernatural team, it was a matter of knowing when the right time was to leave. Ackles says it was important to find that right balance between not staying around too long and giving yourself enough time to tell the story that fans deserve: "I think that it was everyone wanting to do the biggest service to the show that we could by going out strong. It just seemed like the writing was kind of on the wall as to when that was happening. Everybody kind of felt that it was coming soon, and so it was just taking that leap of faith of going like, 'Well guys, let's get out the paint and paint that finish line because what we've accomplished is unlike any other.'"