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Supernatural: Misha Collins Talks "Damn Desperate" Castiel & More
In our previous looks at this week's episode of The CW's Supernatural, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) learned that to stop Chuck aka God's (Rob Benedict) path of destruction, Jack (Alexander Calvert) will have to die. That leads to Dean and Jack heading out to complete a final ritual, while Sam and Castiel (Misha Collins) look for a solution that doesn't result in Jack's death. But as committed as Castiel is to save his son, Collins tells EW that the options are looking pretty slim. "Cas is still looking for a solution but he's losing steam a little bit," explained Collins. "Cas still feels like there has to be another way and yet, as the chips are falling, it seems like there are fewer and fewer options," but "he's damn desperate right now."
But as concerned as Castiel is for Jack's fate, Collins also has a pretty good sense of what would be a noble ending for his on-screen persona. "For years, fans would ask, 'How do you see Cas ending on the show?' And I've always said in some heroic sacrifice. First of all, the phrase has heroic baked into it, which I like. But also I think that that's just integral to his character. He's always been willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, and ultimately if he can sacrifice himself for the greater good and for his little cabal of humans who have become his family, I think that Cas will have served his purpose as far as he's concerned," he revealed.
Which leads us to this week's episode "Unity"- with Sam and Dean realizing the price to be paid to stop God aka Chuck's (Rob Benedict) path of destruction in its tracks. Dean sees Billie's (Lisa Berry) plan as the only way, no matter what the cost. Sam? Not so much- which may explain why our foursome is heading out on separate missions. Looks like Castiel sides with Sam when it comes to finding another solution. As for Dean and Jack (Alexander Calvert), it's about one last ritual- and that means a meeting with "the first one off God's assembly line":
Supernatural season 15, episode 17 "Unity": ONE WAY OR ANOTHER – Dean (Jensen Ackles) hits the road with Jack (Alexander Calvert) who needs to complete a final ritual in the quest to beat Chuck (guest star Rob Benedict). A difference of opinion leaves Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Castiel (Misha Collins) behind looking for answers to questions of their own. Catriona McKenzie directed the episode written by Meredith Glynn.
In the following two clips, Padalecki, Ackles, Collins, and Calvert discuss if Jack can be the answer to God that Sam, Dean, and Castiel need; and how their ability to "Never Stop Fighting" defines the core of what the Winchesters are all about:
Recently, the Supernatural post-production team released another Shaving People, Punting Things video offering the SPN Family a fresh look at the remainder of the season as well as at our favorites behind the scenes. Let's just say there's a whole lot of bleeding, reflecting, crying, hugging, drinking, and maybe… just maybe… one last chance to save the day:
Ackles and Padalecki offer their thoughts on how important "Back Roads Americana" has been during the series' 15 season run.