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SCOOP: Marvel To Announce Uncanny X-Force At San Diego – Wolverine, Archangel, Fantomex, Deadpool and Psylocke
What's in an adjective? Looks like the "Uncanny", added to X-Men in the mid seventies, looks like it will be added to an X-Force relaunch. Uncanny X-Force #1 by Rick Remender and Jerome Opena will launch in October and you can expect to hear Marvel announce the project at San Diego.
We've already known that a "New" X-Force was coming. But not that it would take the "Uncanny" sobriquet or whom, apart from Wolverine, would be in it.
Well, the team will also consist of Archangel, Fantomex, Deadpool and Psylocke, up against the return of Apocalypse.
Yes, that's right, another Deadpool monthly title. It also has an "Explicit Content" label, just to reinforce how bloody this book is going to be…

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