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SCOOP: Runaways Has 2012 Start Date
Yesterday Nikki Finke's Deadline site reported that Marvel Studios had pushed the Runaways movie project. And we were happy to pass that on. But she didn't give us any idea when it was pushed to, and her story was widely read as being about an indefinite shove or a shelving. That may have even been the intent when she wrote it.
But Bleeding Cool can very happily and exclusively reveal that this is not the case. The film still has a scheduled shoot, it's just that the schedule isn't as tight as it used to be. The production is now on the calendar for 2012 production, which will likely mean a 2013 release.
The movie is based on Brian K Vaughan and Adrian Alphona's Runaways series, which also attracted Buffy creator Joss Whedon to write a few issues. It's a comic book starring a team of children of a supervillain clique which has stayed hidden from the superheroes for decades and who, well, run away as a result. It was a real cult favourite at Marvel, initially championed by Bill Jemas in an attempt to create new IP for the company.
So all those aching to see Gertrude's telpathic dinosaur Old Lace on the big screen, which includes me by the way, won't have to wait too long…