Posted in: Comics | Tagged: avengers, Comics, daniel acuna, figures, john cassaday, marvel, sales, sara pichelli, uncanny
More Uncanny Avengers Art – And How To Make It Pay
Marvel have the Steve McNiven poster art for New York Comic Con, and it's rather Avengersy, with Hulk in his fancy new armour and everyone in their Marvel Now costumes. And it's just a start.
Here's a look at three more covers to Uncanny Avengers #1, by Daniel Arcuna, Sara Pichelli and John Cassaday.
And a little bit of colour art to go with this morning's black and white… and a cover to A + X while we're at it.
We've been reporting that Uncanny Avengers #1 looks like it may challenge Walking Dead #100 for the best selling comic of 2012. And while these covers will help, it's not the whole story.
Retailers will get a massive discount on the cost of ordering Uncanny Avengers #1 if they exceed 200% of their total orders for Avengers Vs X-Men #5. That comic had an estimated North American order of over 180,000, which means we're looking at over 200,000 including UK sales. If every store goes for that deal, which will reduce the cost of ordering a copy by around 40%.
But there are other options for retailers who don't want to commit quite so hard, with smaller discounts for those who order 175% or 150% of their Avengers Vs X-Men #5 orders.
And then there are those covers. The 1:75 Milo Manara cover. The 1:50 Acuna cover (above). The 1:100 Marc Silvestri cover. The 1:300 John Cassaday sketch variant (above). The 1:200 Silvestro sketch variant. The Skottie Young Baby, Deadpool, Uncanny, Avengers, Blank and Sara Pichelli variant covers that can be ordered in bulk if you meet Avengers Vs X-Men #5 levels. Wise ordering and prudent eBaying could mean that retailers could turn a profit on the variants even before they sell a single copy of the normal covers…