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Mike Collins, The Guy Who Storyboarded Doctor Who: Flatline, And Jamie Mathieson, Who Wrote It
Congratulations, to Mike Collins. The guy who drew the Kate Middleton half of my Royal Wedding biographical comic book *and, you know, a few other things besides over a long career in comics) was the storyboarder for last night's Doctor Who: Flatline.
This Saturday's Doctor Who is a first for me… as, thanks to the kind recommendation of Andrew Wildman it's my first as the show's Storyboard Artist! The script is a cracker– and not being able to tell anyone the story for the last five months has been supreme agony!
Glad the agony has subsided, Mike! But you may have some competition from Jamie Mathieson who wrote the episode in question and submitted his own initial design for the Boneless.
He writes,
The move from 2D to 3D went through a few permutations. In early drafts the Boneless became 3D by wrapping themselves around the living like anacondas, snapping the necks of their victims before driving them around like puppeteers, their faces a smeared distortion of humanity. This is the version pictured. But this was soon deemed a little too grim for teatime on a Saturday.Ultimately I think we succeeded in making a potentially laughable two dimensional flattening alien credible and scary. I don't think anyone is laughing at the Boneless. And if they are laughing, I hope it's a nervous strained laugh as they try not to think too hard about that slithering movement in the corner of their eye. They are very good at hiding, after all…
Just as I was thinking of heading for an early night as well, Jamie….