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Millar Might Want Superman Movie, Bendis Does Wants Spider-Man Movie, Who's Next?
Earlier this week, Mark Millar posted on Millarworld,
Financially, it makes so much sense for us to do one of our own properties next, either Nemesis or American Jesus or whatever. But Matthew [Vaughn] and I talk all the time about the notion of revamping Superman for a new generation (and YES, 30 somethings, that DOES mean an origin to explain where the Hell he came from to my daughter and her pals). Obviously, there's some legal shit to sort out but anyone who thinks Superman is gone is just plum crazy. Should we pursue this aggressively, especially given the buzz on Kick-Ass is just astronomical and Matthew is being offered pretty much anything he wants to do?
We had so much fun casting around on all this, just idle chats in the pub as we scribbled our notes. Imagine Daniel Craig as Lex Luthor, Clint Eastwood as Pa Kent, Daniel Day-Lewis and Julianne Moore as Jor-El and Lara. And the idea one of our production team had for Jimmy Olsen is just GENIUS! But let's not get ahead of ourselves. What do YOU guys think? You wanna see the Kick-Ass team REALLY go after Superman or develop something else?
He's a clever sod that Mark Millar. No, seriously, he has systematically built his way up from writing licensed children's comics in a backwater, each time building up the next step. It's like that puzzle where you place one grain of rice on the first square of a chessboard, two grains on the second, four grains on the third and by the end of the board you have more grains of rice than exist in the world. And with every step of the last twenty years that's what Mark Millar has done, from Sonic The Hedgehog to Swamp Thing to Superman Adventures to occasional JLA projects, to Authority, to Ultimate X-Men to Ultimates to Wanted to Civil War to the Wanted movie to the Kick Ass movie. And his name is about to be able to greenlight anything. He's Frank Miller without The Spirit. Whatever your opinion of his work, he's been a master and building his career in this industry and out into Hollywood, with a mixture of pure talent, an understanding of his marketplace, manipulating the media and in some cases outright lying in the hope that the truth will catch up with him. Which is has had a tendency to do.
So we get to the stage where there's no reason Millar couldn't do a Superman movie. At all. It doesn't seem the impossible bet it was when Millar was floating it just the other year.
Of course, it's not all about Millar. Someone else has eyes on a similar prize. Brian Bendis recently twittered;
for those who asked, of course i would and could write spidey 4. in a heartbeat. i know exactly what that movie should be. & it should be 3d
Brian has taken a different career path. While Mark Millar has performed more parachuting into projects then leaving fairly shortly afterwards, Brian has stuck with projects, from Ultimate Spider-Man to Avengers to Powers. Which has probably given him less opportunity to take advantage of "promotion", and has stymied him from switching companies, often the best way to be offered the next step up in any career. But as a result he has a more dedicated fanbase. And he's doing more comics. And he's the creative "brain trust" of Marvel, his opinions matter more than anyone, outside of Joe Quesada.
His run on Ultimate Spider-Man is lauded, he's proven ability to write Spidey in other media, he's been a heavy influence with scripting duties on Iron Man, Hulk and Thor movies, and he has the much-acclaimed Torso screenplay inching its way towards production. Maybe it's time he got the gig. Probably a little late for Spider-Man 4, given all the casting decisions but…
Can the campaign for a Brian Michael Bendis Spider-Man 3D movie start here please?