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Marvel Targets Blackest Night Overorders With Deadpool Promotion
Okay, looks like printing those Brown Deadpool rings that was once suggested as a fun response to DC's Blackest Night promotion got too pricey for Marvel. The moulds, the fittings, the shipping from China, all that adds up. So why not come up with a much cheaper solution?
In an effort to provide assistance to comic retailers in 2010, Marvel is offering retailers an opportunity to turn unsold comics into an extremely rare Siege #3 Deadpool Variant! Retailers – for every 50 stripped covers of the following comics sent to Marvel, you will qualify to receive one FREE Siege #3 Deadpool Variant. The 50 stripped covers can be any combination of the comics listed below and all submissions need to be received at the Marvel office at the address below by Tuesday 2/16/2010. Also included with the stripped covers must be your store contact information including Diamond Account # and email address.
Stripped Covers To Be Sent:
Adventure Comics #4
Booster Gold #26
Doom Patrol #4
Justice League Of America #39
Outsiders #24.
R.E.B.E.L.S #10Address To Send Submission:
James Nausedas
Marvel Entertainment, LLC
417 Fifth Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10016Information To Be Included With Submission:
Store Name
Store Address
Contact Person
Email Address
Phone Number
Diamond Account #
List of stripped covers being returned and their quantitiesAll the directions above must be adhered to in order to receive the free Siege #3 Deadpool Variants and the submissions must be received by Tuesday 2/16/2010 in order to qualify.
Please note that this is not a Diamond-affiliated promotion and Diamond should not be contacted. Retailers will be contacted via email once Marvel receives the submissions. Retailer with further questions should contact
Too right it's not a Diamond promotion. This targets the fact that some retailers over ordered specific DC titles to qualify for the plastic rings purchase. And ties in Deadpool marketing to DC's promotion in a far sneakier, advantageous and downright hostile fashion. And cheap too.
Not to say it isn't clever. But blimey.
With the Exclusive steals of David Finch and Unknown Grant Morrison Wonder Woman Artist, it appears that this is game on as for as Comic Book Wars 2010 is concerned.
I wonder if this qualifies for a Cease And Desist notice from someone?