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Hot Comics – The Fifty Dollar Club (May 2010)
Here are twenty recently published comic books that are currently breaking the $50 barrier based on actual reported sales. No CGC, no chase variant covers, no signed editions, no hardcovers or out-of-print collections, just the bare bones of your standard floppy comic book. Do you have any of these in your collection? If so… how long will they stay in your collection?
1. The Walking Dead#1 by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore, Image. Original price $2.99. Current market price: $355 – over a hundred dollars more than it was selling for in February. The AMC confirmation that the first eight episodes have been ordered gave this a kick. Will actually broadcast kick it higher?
2. Dime Press #4 by Mike Mignola and various. Original price 4000 Lira($2.50) . Current market price $283. The Italian comic fanzine that features the first proper image of Hellboy on its cover.
3. Mouse Guard #1 (ComiXPress edition). Original price $3 – Current market price $255. One of 250 copies of this hit comic printed in black and white through ComiXpress a year before the Archaia series started.
4. Walking Dead #2 by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore, Image. More from the zombie comic turning into a TV series. Really strong performances here. Original price $2.99. Current market price $140. Price in February $83.
5. Walking Dead #3 by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore, Image. Original price $2.99. Current market price $89. Price in February$47.82
6. Cavewoman #1 by Bud Root, Basement Comics. Matching the strolling zombies is the original edition of this little comic book. Original price $2.99. Current market price $80. Price in February $34.99
7. Amazing Spider-Man #300 by David Michelenie and Todd McFarlane, Marvel Is this a waning of Todd popularity? Or Venom's? Original price $1.50 Current market price $75. This was $119 in February, a significant drop.
8. GI Joe #155, Larry Hama and Phil Gosier, Marvel. $100. The final issue of GI Joe. Underordered by retailers who believed that no one would want the final issue of a cancelled comic. Yup. And it looks like the film didn't kill it. February price $77.50
9. NYX #3 by Joe Quesada and Josh Middleton, Marvel.The first appearance of X-23, Wolverine's daughter. And now a major Marvel player. So there's an uptick here. Original price $2.99 Current market price $73. February price $61.
10. New Mutants #98 by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld., Marvel. Original price $1.50 Current market price $70. February price $79. First appearance of Deadpool – could this be a sign that Deadpool is on the wane?
11. San Diego Comic Con Comics #2 – Hellboy Current market price $70. February price $31. Okay something's up here. First appearances of Hellboy are getting hotter than hell it seems.
12. Ultimate Spider-Man #1 byBrian Michael Bendis, Bill Jemas and Mark Bagley, Marvel. Original price $1.50 Current market price $67. February price $42. Since the announcement that Spider-Man 4 will be taking a leaf out of the Ultimate version, looks like the speculators are descending.
13. Fables #1 by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham, DC/Vertigo. Original price $1.50 Current market price $60. February price $39.95. And the proposed TV series of Fables gives this book a market lift as well.
14. Uncanny X-Men #266 by Chris Claremont and Mike Collins, Marvel. $1.50 Current market price $60. February price $33. The first appearance of Gambit is definitely on the rise.
15. Y The Last Man #1 by Brian K Vaughan and Pia Guerra, DC/Vertigo. Original cover price. Current market price$56. There may or may not be a film on the way. But this is a new entry that's jumped the thirty and forty dollar club straight into the fifties.
16. The Goon Comics #3 by Eric Powell, Avatar. Original cover price $3. Current market price $54
17. Spawn/Savage Dragon #1 by Erik Larsen, Image. Original cover price $2.99. Current market price $54. The newsstand version of Savage Dragon #30.
18. Walking Dead #6 by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore, Image. Original cover price $2.99. Current market price $52.
19. Walking Dead #4 by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore, Image. Original cover price $2.99. Current market price $52. February price $36.
20. Johnny The Homicidal Maniac #1 by Jhonen Vasquez, Slabe Labor. Original cover price $1.95. Current market price $51. February price $50.99. That's as stable as it gets for a maniac.
Dropping out… Grimm's Fairy Tales takes a tumble, as does Chew #1…