Posted in: Comics | Tagged: dc, facebook, new 52, poll
DC's New 52 Facebook Poll Backfires Just A Bit
It started as a simple poll on the DC Comics Facebook page. "With Zero Month drawing to a close we're wondering: How do you want to learn more about the history of the characters in DC Comics-The New 52?"
The problem was, as well as the expected choices, they left the poll open. So people could add their own choices. The top three have the majority of votes…
UPDATE: Half an hour after posting the piece, after a day of delaying it because MorrisonCon kept getting in the way, DC Comics withdrew the poll from their Facebook page. It can still be accessed here though.
Bring Back the old DCU
Crisis on Earth-New52: How the experiment ends and we return to the "real" DCU
Bring back some characters, such as Wally West, Cassie Cain and Stephanie Brown.
Musical numbers performed by dancing monkeys on The Source
Fire Scott Lobdell
Give Booster Gold his own new 52 title and let him fixt the DCnU mess
Just end the New52 for God's Sake!
Stop with all the 90's-esque books
Get rid of Dan Didio!
Bring back Rucka and Waid; Lose Johns and Glass
Forget about continuity, just give us good stories about characters we recognize
Make Karen Berger DC's EiC.
Have Paul Dini do something, for gosh's sakes!
At least fix the Arrow, Flash and Batfams and hire competent writers.
Quit flailing, dammit!
Let the history unfold as part of the ongoing story
Go back to the old DCU and we all promise to pretend this mess never happened
Put all the DCnU shenanigans on a different numbered Earth
Leave all pre-reboot original DCU history intact on their own numbered Earth
Fix the continuity errors
A combination of the two. Backup features are also a cool way to add backstory.
Get rid of the 5 year timeline.
More special issues like the #0s
Burn a Didio Effigy
A foldout timeline special issue
When are Tim Drake and Conner Kent going to make out?
Hire artists who can properly draw women. Fire anyone ignorant of basic anatomy.
Bring Ted Kord back to life (but keep Jaime Reyes, as he was pre-boot, too!)
Again to make the Superman married to Lois Lane.
Back to old.Keep new52 Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Animal Man and Swamp thing.
Return to the original DCU but keep the Court of Owls
Bring back the old Arrow Family. Ollie + Roy + Lian + Connor + Mia + Dinah!
Have your best writers make a Universe Bible and make Editors stick to it.
Find a better way of getting feedback from the people who actually BUY your new
Have Paul Dini write Harley Quinn
Wally West NOW!
Marvel Crossover
Give us some damn Hellblazer merchandise >.<
Bring back classic Harley, but keep the Ravagers (except make Beast Boy green).
Make batmite kill all new 52 charaters
Bring back Detective Chimp, give him his own book
More zaniness and fun stand alone stories. Also Wally West.
Give Ambush Bug his own book, have him fix the universe
What ever you do, do not cancel Demon Knights
Bring me a beer, I'm thirsty.
Real Reboot without continuity chaos. Seperate & reboot Wildstorm!
Cripple Barbra Gordon
Rogues Solo Series
Superman Vs. Gnarls Barkley
Use the New 52 to bring back some dead characters & Develop them
Add some real diversity by bringing (and KEEPING) in the Milestone characters
Read Marvel Comics.
Put a detailed "Who's Who" on the DC Web site with the corrected continuity
Get rid of Hal, Barry & other Silver Age characters
Superboy Prime
Make a porn comic with Powergirl and Superman
Fire editorial
Have the New 52 be like Marvel's Ultimate Universe and run alongside old DC.
Static shock to return
Have Gail Simone do a New52 Gen 13 book and Jim Lee do a New52 WildCats book
Fire Adam Beechen
Keep bad writers, artist & editors away from Static!
Make a porn comic with Powergirl and Huntress.
The talented people of DC comics come to all work out of my house ! YEA !
The REAL Tim Drake VS. Lobdell 8D
More Seasons of Green Lantern:The Animated Series
Explain Why The Guardians Go Mad Every Time Dc Can't Decide What To Do With GLC
Return 2 old DCU but keep the good things about the new 52 in tact
Pretend that Crisis on Infinite Earths never happened in 1986!
new characters and events like Red Hood and the Outlaws being a team and Bunker.
Fire Bob Harras, make Didio sole publisher, keep Lee as just an artist, new EiC.
Go read more King of Cats. Seriously yo, it's hype
Put Higgins back on Deathstroke
Let Giffen-DeMatteis write everything and anything they want.
Keep the Superman and Wonder Woman changes, but revert everything else.
Sell all your characters to Marvel and let them fix the problems
Lácteos Barraza S.A.
History is who we are and what we will be…
Duct tape Dan Didio and throw him in a closet in Antarctica.
If we're still starting from scratch, how about DCAU Character interpretations?
Jason Owens for President!
Hire Rob Liefeld as Editor in Chief
Have Batman and Catwoman start a relationship. Permanently!
Give Cyborg his own series!
Give Azrael I or II his own series again!
Bring back focus on Arkham Asylum and its head Dr. Alyce Sinner. And Black Mask.
Burn Tony Daniels at the stake.
Make an ongoing about Superman doing Wonder Woman in different sex positions
Bring back the Golden Age heroes of the All-Star Squadron during WWII
Start with Origin Story and Move forward.