Posted in: AMC, Current News, Editor's Picks TV News, Movies, Recent Updates, TV | Tagged: amc, amc networks, cable, Cassidy, dc, dc comics, dominic cooper, evan goldberg, garth ennis, Jesse, Jesse Custer, Joseph Gilgun, preacher, ruth negga, seth rogen, Steve Dillon, television, tulip, Tulip O'Hare, tv, vertigo, Vertigo Comics
Taking Confession Episode 10: Join Bleeding Cool's 'Preacher' LIVEBLOG!
Glad you could join me for Taking Confession: Preacher S02E10 – Dirty Little Secret, Bleeding Cool's live-blog play-by-play of Monday night's episode on AMC. I'm going to be throwing-out a lot of thoughts, opinions and random off-topic tangents…so make sure to let me know what you think!
"Jesse connects with an unlikely source; Jesse goes unforgiven when Tulip discovers he's been lying to her."
● This page should update…but just to be on the safe side I strongly suggest you refresh every now and then to make sure because I've been known to ramble often and quickly.
● If you're going to social media to talk about what we're talking about, go with: #bclive and #liveblog.
● While you're waiting (or if you just need a breather from my raw, uncut cult-of-personality), check-out some cool Preacher-related stuff, including: a sneak preview from tonight's episode involving Jesse (Dominic Cooper) and Herr Starr (Pip Torrens); a look-back at last week's episode and the confrontation between The Grail and our heroes; and check-out links to past Preacher coverage on Bleeding Cool.
● So that's it! Check-back here for some interesting stuff…and then the show starts at 9:00pm EST!
A sneak preview from tonight's episode involving Jesse (Dominic Cooper) and Herr Starr (Pip Torrens):
A look-back at last week's episode and the confrontation between The Grail and our heroes:
'Preacher' S02E09 Recap: "'No means yes' in multiples. Got it, sir." (VIDEO)
Taking Confession S02E09-Puzzle Piece: Join Our 'Preacher' LIVE-BLOG!
'Preacher' Season 2, Episode 8 Recap: 'Bite Me. Bite Me. Bite Me." (Video)
Taking Confession: Follow Our LIVEBLOG Of 'Preacher' S02E08 – Holes!
'Preacher' Season 2, Episode 7 Recap: "I Would Start With Men Selling Off Their Souls"
Taking Confession: 'Preacher' S02E07 – Pig (BC Liveblog)
Preacher Season 2, Episode 6: Tamashii Ureshii Iku Iku
An Interview With Dave Porter, Composer For 'Breaking Bad' And 'Preacher'
Treating Hitler Like Any Other Character: The Preacher Press Room At San Diego Comic-Con
The Incredibly Insane And Bombastic Preacher Panel At SDCC
'Preacher' Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: "I'm Sorry. I'm So Bad For You."
Preacher Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: "This Is Hell, Act Accordingly"
Preacher Confessions: 'Damsels' Takeaways (Is George R.R. Martin God?)
'Preacher' Confessions: 'On The Road' / 'Mumbai Sky Tower' Takeaways