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How Neil Gaiman Stopped Sheldon Buying Action Comics #1000 on The Big Bang Theory
And he did. After tweeting positively about Stuart's store and Stuart 'really knowing his stuff', then getting to see Gaiman given the brush off when he actually came in.
And yes, Neil was right about the Uru. Enchanted or not, it still counts…
And Neil's tweet has effects and, overnight makes the comic store a lot more popular… much to Sheldon's chagrin.
And sells out of Action Comics #1000 as a result… much to Sheldon's chagrin.
And hires new staff … much to etc, etc. They may have sold out of Action 1000, lots of places did, but they have the poster.
But she recommends Sheldon the comic Arrowsmith by Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco in which 'World War I is fought with dragons and magic'.
And, yes, Neil Gaiman pops back to plug 1602, his Elizabethan Marvel Universe story. Which, as a result, is now #18 on the Amazon Best Seller list for Comics & Graphic Novels – just behind Action Comics #1000 at #17 (through remember, the Kindle version won't have the credits or pinups).
Was that a Gail Simone Red Sonja comic he was flicking through? I rather think it might be… which reminds me that Nick Barrucci of Dynamite Entertainment who published that comic, e-mailed me last night to say that his store Dynamic Forces still has all of the Action Comics #1000 covers and a fair few of the retailer exclusives too.
Arrowsmith didn't get such a bump, it's naming happened later, away from the description and credit – and also it's out of print.
But Dan Slott's upcoming Iron Man run gets a mention, confirmed as Sheldon's favourite Spider-Man writer. Not so surprised as Kurt was, Dan already has the script of the scene.
And then Denice recommends the DC Rebirth Omnibus as an entry-level book for Amy, to closer connect to Sheldon. Or at least have fights about. And it is currently DC's 31st best seller on Amazon.
Ooh look, Harley Quinn and JLA as well…
Yeah, that's going to make a dent.
Maybe it's the show that hates you slightly less now…