Posted in: Comics, IDW, Review | Tagged: idw publishing, star trek, Star Trek: The Q Conflict
'Star Trek: The Q Conflict' #4: Q Messes with the Wrong Wormhole (REVIEW)
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Four issues in on IDW's Star Trek: The Q Conflict, and I'm still having the time of my life.
Q, Trelane, Ayelborne, and Metron have conscripted the best and brightest in Starfleet history to settle a cosmic wager, and so far, two of the crews have scored points in the galactic contest. First, it was Janeway's team, then Jean-Luc Picard's team figured out a way to get around the planet killer.
Now, Q has decided that he wants to get the attention of the entities that live within the wormhole that the Deep Space Nine crew have been monitoring. The wormhole aliens aren't big Q fans, though, so things get pretty testy from the get-go.
Writers Scott Tipton and David Tipton must be having the time of their lives, since it appears just about anything ever introduced in Star Trek history is fair game for Q Conflict. Tipton & Tipton clearly know their Star Trek lore inside and out, and there is a part of me that would give my last 400 quatloos to see this made into a series. Impossible? Nah. I think it could happen.
There was an unexpected gut punch half way through the comic, I nearly forgot how post-DS9 Worf would react to seeing a certain season 4 crew member. And seeing Sulu pilot the Defiant is just about the coolest thing ever- this dude is such a good pilot, he's flying a ship that's a century ahead of him technologically!
Another great treat- seeing how the Prophets manifest themselves to different people. This is some seriously great Trek. And it's made all the better by the excellent art team of Silvia Califano, who does some wickedly good illustration work, complemented beautifully by Elisabetta D'Amico's inks. Then there's Alessandra Alexakis' excellent color work, which perfectly captures every generation of Trek.
Star Trek: The Q Conflict is a ridiculously fun book to read and look at, and everyone working on it should be incredibly proud of the work they're doing. Highly recommended for any Star Trek fan, especially if you can't pick a favorite crew. They're all here, and all of them shine.
SUMMARY: Script: Scott Tipton & David Tipton; Art: Silvia Califano; Inks: Elisabetta D'Amico; Colors: Alessandra Alexakis; Letters: Neil Uyetake; Editor: Chase Marotz; Published By: IDW Publishing; Release Date: May 22, 2019; Cover Price: $3.99; 34 pages