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A Third Copy of New Mutants #98 Stolen, in Fort Worth, Texas
A third copy of New Mutants #98 stolen in two weeks after this break-in and this shop-lift? And more besides. The first appearance of Deadpool and Domino, by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld does seem to be in demand from thieves these days. Collected Comics And Games in Fort Worth, Texas shared the sad news last week;
Hey guys, our Alta Mere store was broken into last night and a lot of our wall books were stolen. Will compile a more complete list later, but notables missing are New Mutants #98, Uncanny X-Men #266, Annie Oakly #1 from Dell comics, Golden Age Smilin'Jack, X-Men #3, and many others…. here are photos.. Video can not identify anyone. If you see anyone trying to sell these, please let us know!
If you see something, say something… and let them know. And thieves? If you really want to read it, Marvel Comics is publishing a New Mutants #98 facsimile any day now.