Posted in: Adult Swim, Anime, Cartoon Network, Preview, Trailer, TV | Tagged: Adult Swim, all might, anime, cable, cartoon network, deku, funimation, manga, my hero academia, preview, quirk, season 4, streaming, teaser, television, Toonami, trailer, tv
"My Hero Academia" Season 4 Trailer: Our 5 First-Watch Takeaways [PREVIEW]
So I woke up to the second official trailer for My Hero Academia season 4, thanks to the fine folks at Funimation.
I got goosebumps – but after screaming for over a minute, I was able to compose myself.
This will be the season that will punch our guts and have us throwing things at the TV. It will also be the season where our hero Deku finally keeps all his limbs in one piece… at least we're seriously hoping.
We get a good look at Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai – and I am so excited to see how this story arc plays out in the anime over the course of the season (while also trying to avoid spoilers from the manga – unless I spoil it for myself). Overall, the animation looks seriously on-point and I think it is safe to say that I will be adding a new opening to my playlist – the soundtrack's vibe is impressing me, so far.
●Deku and Mirio: I cannot wait to see them fight side-by-side – and it looks like we might be finding out if Mirio Togata can fight with a costume on,
●Overhaul, Eri, and Sir Nighteye: I cannot wait for a formal introduction of Overhaul and his clan [cue the music]…
●Kirishima: So how much are we actually going to learn about him this season? Hmmm… That section of the trailer at the 1:19 mark has me quite curious. Is he turning into a beast – or something else? Serious spoiler temptation.
●One thing that stood out to me was the lack of All Might and Bakugo – granted, we kinda-sorta get to see them in flashbacks, so I'm curious if there's some deeper meaning behind that.
●That pill/blood vial-looking thing? Does not look promising. Is that what is supposed to destroy the world – and is it somehow related to the Eri's powers?
So many questions! Can October please get here already?