Rich Johnston Archives

Ron Perazza Leaves ComiXology
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool learned that Ron Perazza, VP -General Manager Of Publisher and Creator Services at ComiXology had left the company. Perazza
Strontium Dog Vs Elephantmen
Launching in November at Thought Bubble in Leeds, is the new Thought Bubble Anthology volume. And it will feature, with the approval of John Wagner and
DC Comics Make Third Wave Returnable
DC Comics are making the first issues of their "Third Wave" titles returnable to retailers, if they order them at at least three quarters of their orders
Flipping San Diego Comic Con
A San Diego Comic Con flipper has provided Bleeding Cool with exactly what he got, how much he paid for it and how much he was able to flip them for on
Four Aussie Comics And A Podcast
David Holloway is Bleeding Cool's Australian corresponent. You might have caught my coverage of Oz Comic-Con, which was pretty much focused on the fairly