Rich Johnston Archives

A Very Bleeding Cool Christmas Day
It's getting a bit sludgy in comic book news right now. It's all about lists of the year, creator Christmas cards, discussions on what has been, and what
Cracking The Wonder Woman Foundation
So there's this website. Wonder Woman Foundation, run by a Joseph Armour. Inspired by the DC character, this is its mission. We are teaching farmers
A Very Merry Womanthology Christmas
    People who had backed the Kickstarter-funded Womanthology volume received a rather splendid Christmas present this morning, ahead of the
The MacGyver Pitches That Weren't
Earlier this year, Bleeding Cool helped Tony Lee and Image Comics find a new artist to replace Becky Cloonan on the MacGyver comic book. And yesterday we
Preview: Dwarf And Gnome by Mason Cook
Mason Cook is an an independent comic creator based in Brisbane, Australia, releasing a new comic book, Dwarf And Gnome, in January. I thought this five
The Women Of Dynamite In March 2012
If you took all the clothes worn by all the ladies on the following Dynamite covers, would you have enough material to make one costume that wouldn't make