Rich Johnston Archives

Simon Bisley's 13 Coins
Simon Bisley's work has had quite a renaissance of late. For a while he seems to have slipped into self parody, his work garish and bold brushed, far from
It was such a simple tweet that did it. From publisher Red 5 Comics Atomic Robo v4 #3 now up for PSP via @psncomics Two retailers
Numbercrunching: The Dandy #3508
So the first issue of the new relaunched Dandy comic, now a weekly comic full of, you know, comics has launched. And there has been a minor media fuss.
More Walking Dead All Over The World
Another hour another city, here are a few more from the worldwide promotional campaign from AMC for The Walking Dead. Has any series ever kicked off with
Bluewater Making It Up For 2011
Bluewater Producstion are best known for two things. Their biographical comic line, and their work-for-hire back end contracts... Well, next year they
Zombies Take Manhattan
As seen on earlier Bleeding Cool posts, there are zombie hordes all across the world. And this morning they were outside Penn Station, trying to take a