Rich Johnston Archives

Kick-Ass Makes It To London
English film blog Hey You Guys was offered the original Kick Ass costume by Universal Studios to play with, and asked Bleeding Cool's Brendon Connelly to
Number Crunching CLiNT Magazine #1
What's the comic? CLiNT, from Mark Millar anf friends. Featuring Kick Ass 2, Turf, Nemesis and Rex Royd. Cost: £3.99 ($6.17) Comics story pages: 71 Price
Paul Cornell's Pulse Not Commissioned
Boo hiss. Paul Cornell's screened pilot of his new hospital sci-fi horror TV show Pulse on BBC 3 has not been picked up for a series. At the Edinburgh TV
Swipe File: Jae Lee Vs Jae Lee
What is it with arching back bald men with small hooked noses that Jae Lee just loves? In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each
New Alan Moore Movie In Production
Many people seem to believe that Alan Moore hates films. He just doesn't like a lot of them these days. And he's not keen on people taking what he once
How The Kick Ass 2 Movie Will Begin
Both the movie adaptations of Wanted and Kick Ass have something in common. When it came to the comic book, they stuck with the beginning almost word for
Swipe File: Lady Death Vs Wonder Woman
This is the new look for Lady Death, as seen in the Free Lady Death Premiere and Lady Death #0, and appearing on the cover of Lady Death #1 for January.
Incredible Hulks #612 – FREE
Marvel Comics often provide previews of their comic books through their digital comics service Marvel DCU. And they've just done such a thing for