Rich Johnston Archives

Jock Joins Scott On Detective Comics
DC Comics have announced that British artist Jock, best known for Judge Dredd and The Losers, is to the the regular artist on Detective Comics with Scott
Does Star Wars Cause Autism?
From 1977, issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Sadly they didn't choose to tackle the MMR debate recently. With light
Eagles Move To London MCM Convention
The MCM London Expo continues to secure itself as Britain's biggest comics convention by becoming the new host of Britaon's longrunning Eagle Awards. The
The Comic's The Thing…
A while ago, Bleeding Cool ran a piece on the Brave And Bold... The Lost Issues blog, rejigging Brave And Bold issues to see Batman starring alongside a
Talking Of Scott Pilgrim…
Welcome to the next part of the Scott Pilgrim Treasure Hunt going on at Facebook somewhere.. That's right, Bleeding Cool is now part of some insidious
Scott Pilgrim Vs The Speculators
As Scott Pilgrim is about to hit, and media interest is at a high, now is probably the best time to sell anything you want to get maximum return on. The