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SCOOP! Summer Glau Plays A LARPer In Joe Lynch's Knights Of Badassdom
Some of you may have noticed a few more filmic stories of late at Bleeding Cool. Partially that's because of the rush of summer superhero blockbusters, partially there's a new seam of sources that have suddenly also opened up to Bleeding Cool, but also because we'll be appointing a new film editor here at the site, starting on June 29th.
Someone with basically an identical version of my own mind, but with a movie bent rather than comics. There will be a separation still, so those of you who just want the comics won't have to put up with any film – in fact you'll get a purer comics site than you do now. And vice versa for the film spods who hate pictures that don't move. But I'm hoping most of you will enjoy the heady mix – hell, you've had to put up with me warble on about Doctor Who and Batman porn enough times.
So who is he? I'll tell you later, but he found the Ghibli Borrowers trailer first, he got the Mean Girls 2 existence and casting call first and just found those Alien Blu Ray details. Although not the Spider-Man 4 stuff, that was all through me! I'm not dead yet (though I'm told some people at Sony wish I were.
And now he has a 100% solid story, featuring the fantastic Summer Glau, familiar to Bleeding Cool readers for her work on Firefly, Dollhouse and The Sarah Connor Chronicles. And he just couldn't wait.
Summer Glau is joining the cast of Joe Lynch's The Knights Of Badassdom. Previous casting announcements have named Peter Dinklage, True Blood's Ryan Kwanten, Community's Danny Pudi and Steve Zahn as being amongst the cast. Glau makes for the first burst of estrogen for the movie, but the fifth flash of awesome.
The film's story revolves around a group of LARPers (Live Action Role-Players) who somehow (not telling how just yet) end up in a face off with Heavy Metal demons. More good news – the demons are going to be created by the geniuses at Spectral Motion, previously responsible for various Hellboy hellions and several Last Stand X-Men.
Those paying close attention to the Twitter account of Matt Wall, co-writer and producer of the film, will see he gave a Follow Friday leg-up to some of the film's cast and crew:
#FF @TheJoeLynch @dannypudi @fghnstn_bnnstn @markburton @boardboy535
plus some others i can't list here (yet!) #knightsofbadassdomThat's director Joe Lynch, actor Danny Pudi, writer Kevin Dreyfus, producer Mark Burton and cinematographer Sam McCurdy.
The fellowship is coming together, and how. Hobbit? Hobbit? We don't need no stinking Hobbit.