James Serafino sells the rights to his first comic, Time Traveling Dinosaurs, to Chronicle Books, for publication in 2028.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, eagle rock. los Angeles, entertainment, stolen
8000 Comics Stolen In Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Last Night. Have You Been Made An Offer?
Adam Rose writes to tell us that his collection of over eight thousand comic was stolen from a garage in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles last night. Fourteen long boxes that included, amongst others,
- Complete Web of Spiderman,
- X-Factor (original run)
- Death in the Family
- Dark Knight Returns
- West Coast Avengers
- Avengers
- Amazing Spiderman
- Grant Morrison's JLA
- All New X-men
- All Star Superman
- The Filth
- Sub-Mariner #1
- Captain America including Annual #8 (1986)
- Incredible Hulk including #340
- Secret Wars
- all of DP7 (i know it's worthless but..)
- Death of Superman
- Uncanny Xmen 80s, 90s, 00s
- Batman #497,
- Ultimates
- Wanted
- Invincible
- entire Justice League International run….
It seems so similar to a certain age of my own collection. But I have an alibi. However if you work in comics retail in LA, or know someone who does, be on the lookout, please… and get in touch if you have!

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