Posted in: Comic Show, Comics | Tagged: Bats, Comics, Grizzlysharks, Panthers, show
A Comic Show – Bats, Panthers And Grizzlysharks
Someone had a busy Free Comic Book Day… Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes,
Hey Fandom, we survived Free Comic Book Day and are ready for New Comics Now! It's Batweek over here with the beautifully written final issue of Batman. Tynion helped me let go of Snyder's Batman (for now) and he taught me how to move on. Batman TMNT #6 is insane, it's crazy how much I loved this mini series. It's also by Tynion, I must like that guy. And the new Batman LED sign came in today- it's in the video too! The Final Days of Superman part 6, Action Comics #52 is leading me to believe the Rebirth death will be New 52 Superman (this isn't a spoiler, it's just speculation). And be sure to pick up a free Scooby Apocalypse and Hanna-Barbera preview edition when you're at your LCS.
Black Panther #2 has more T'Challa vs Wakanda. Avengers #9 continues the new Wasp story flying out of the FCBD Civil War book. Also, a bunch of Marvel collections are out. My top picks are Soule's Daredevil and Latour's Spider-Gwen volume ones.
MMPR #3 is here to hold you over while you wait for the Pink Ranger's book. Grizzlyshark returns for a second issue. The Fix #2 is in. And Southern Bastards #14 doesn't leave a Trump voter standing.