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A Comic Show – I'd Free All My Spiders
Aaron Haaland writes,
Hey Fandom! This week had some great comics, and while I'm not talking about any DC ones, I am glued to Bleeding Cool's Rebirth rumors all day (please let JSA be true!).
Spider-Man #1 was perfect! Miles Morales is seamlessly integrated into Marvel proper in this first issue, and he's way more Peter Parker than Peter Parker! Deadpool The Merc$ For Money #1 spins out of the main Deadpool series with more focus on his c-listers, but it works. Bunn makes this mini. A-Force gave me my Dazzler fix, Invincible Iron Man #6 is a new story spotlighting War Machine, Doctor Strange leads into the Last Days of Magic, Uncanny X-Men is my guilty pleasure, and Uncanny X-Men #5 finally has some Red Skull movement! Oh, and Obi-Wan & Anakin give us all that Clone Wars did not.
Paper Girls #5 ended the first arc with another WTF cliffhanger. The Walking Dead #151 is all Two-Face. And The Wicked + Divine and Lumberjanes volume 3's are out, guess which one I'm reading my five year old daughter tonight!