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A Rogue-Less X-Men: Inferno From Jonathan Hickman?
This week sees the publication of Inferno #1 by Jonathan Hickman and Valerio Schiti. In which Mystique is looking to burn Krakoa to the ground after they declined to resurrect her wife Destiny. But with all that going down, you might have thought that Mystique's daughter Rogue and current member of the main X-Men team might have a significant role to play. It seems not. On Monday, AIPT asked Hickman if there was any story beat or character he regrets he didn't get around to working on. Hickman replied "Character-wise, I had to pull all the Rogue stuff out of Inferno and I'm pretty bummed about that. We just didn't have the real estate. I almost asked for an additional issue or even bigger issues, but the former came with calendar/scheduling problems, and the latter wasn't possible without bringing in another artist. So I had to move on."
No limited rather than expansive Rogue in Inferno? That does seem an unfortunate commission. Hickman also talked about X-Men books that didn't come to fruition. "Overall, there were a couple of concepts that either didn't work out (one was going to be a Children of the Vault book, another was an Imperial Guard thing), or were changed at the last minute because of character conflicts or direction changes (the Giant-Size books), but nothing else really comes to mind. There were some internal continuity mistakes — I always hate those — but any broader regrets in terms of the stories I get to do or not do? Not really. I feel like that's on me to maximize an opportunity when I have one. "
Mike Carey was approached at some point but decline to participate. One might presume he would have written a Children Of The Vault book if he's accepted. As to the changes to the upcoming X-Men books with the team's wish to remain within Hickman's planned First Arc and Hickman's decision to leave for other projects, he stated " There's no version of this where I'm putting plans in my back pocket to save for another day, or some great character beat that I'm holding onto and no one is allowed to use it (or the character) until I get around to it. That's not what this is. Everything I have already done, everything I'm currently working on, and everything I had plans to do in the future belongs to the team. That was the point of having a room and a cohesive group of creators working together. I promise you'll be seeing plenty of those ideas and plans executed in other books or amalgamated into broader concepts. The big questions and resulting conflicts I was getting at aren't disappearing from the line — those things are baked in. They're inevitable in a lot of ways. It just won't be happening on a timeline that I can work on. Which is perfectly fine. The team is going to do great. If anything, I think some of them will flourish without me taking up all the oxygen in the room." Inferno #1 is published on Wednesday.
(W) Jonathan Hickman (A) Valerio Schiti (CA) Jerome Opena
"There will be an island-not the first, but the last…" Promises were made and broken. The rulers of Krakoa have been playing a dangerous game with a dangerous woman, and they are about to see how badly that can burn them. Mastermind of the X-Men JONATHAN HICKMAN brings his plans to a head, joined by an incredible lineup of artists beginning with VALERIO SCHITI… as one woman follows through on her promise to burn the nation of Krakoa to the ground. Rated T+In Shops: Sep 29, 2021 SRP: $5.99