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Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Angoulême, bd, Comics, entertainment, france
A Woman Will Win The "Couilles Au Cul" Award, Launched As Angloume Grand Prix Alternative
So the Angloueme Grand Prix got some much unwanted publicity this year after their decision to nominate thirty men for the most prestigious award in comics – but no women.
After much to-ing and fro-ing, they eventually withdrew the entire list, asking voters to just vote for who they wanted.
But another prize has entered the ring, from the Fringe of the Angloueme.
Since the Angoulême Festival and Charlie Hebdo decided not to give a special award for Freedom of Speech this year to avoid "endangering the winner", so an unofficial award has been created in its place, the "Couilles Au Cul" award – or the "Balls Up Your Arse" award to reward the artistic courage of a comic book writer.
The winner's name hasn't been announced yet, but they already said it will definitely be a woman.
And it will look something like this.
Her name will be announced on January 30th.

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