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Absolute Power Gossip: Amanda Waller Gets Brainiac Queen (Spoilers)

Last week, Bleeding Cool ran some Absolute Power gossip about Zur-En-Arrh and now we are looking at Amanda Waller and the Brainiac Queen.

Article Summary

  • Amanda Waller manipulates Brainiac Queen against superheroes.
  • Brainiac Queen's origin: a bride created by Brainiac himself.
  • DC's major storylines converge in Absolute Power #1.
  • Comic shops struggling with pre-orders for the new release.

Last week, Bleeding Cool ran some Absolute Power gossip entitled "Absolute Power Gossip: How Amanda Waller Gets Zur-En-Arrh" and now we are looking at the other third of this triptych, Amanda Waller and the Brainiac Queen. Spoilers of course.

Absolute Power Gossip: Amanda Waller Gets Brainiac Queen (Spoilers)

Bleeding Cool understands that Brainiac created the Brainiac Queen as some form or bride in the Frankenstein fashion. We saw her killing the army of Czarnians for energy in the House Of Brainiac event, and it looks like she'll be targeting the superhero folk next for their powers. But, as you might expect for the Superman books, it doesn't work out with Superman and Brainiac himself.

Big Time Spoilers For Amanda Waller & Failsafe For Free Comic Book Day

So just as Amanda Waller has grabbed the body of Zur-En-Arrh and revived it under her command, so she will do the same to the blank canvas of Brainiac Queen as she falls to Earth, rejected by Brainiac. And fittingly, as she was ejected from a Superman story, she plays the role of Superman.

Absolute Power Gossip: Amanda Waller Gets Brainiac Queen (Spoilers)

She is found by Amanda Waller, who raises her as her stepmother, teaching her what is expected of her, to fear and hate superheroes. all in a virtual reality created by Zur-En-Arrh with the Sanctuary programme in which two decades play out in a heartbeat. She is Pa and Ma Kent to Brainiac Queen in a Smallville-style farmstead. Amanda Waller uses Brainiac Queen's abilities, keeping them on her side and using them, one by one, to take down the superheroes or the world. And she is going to win, it has been foreseen…

Absolute Power Gossip: Amanda Waller Gets Brainiac Queen (Spoilers)

Basically everything DC Comics has been doing across Batman, Superman, Action Comics, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Flash, Suicide Squad, Titans, including Dark Crisis, Knightmares, Lazarus Planet and Beast World, has been leading to Absolute Power #1. But has everyone realised?

Comic shop Big Bang Comics posts to social media, "ABSOLUTE POWER #1 is on FOC today. I've read it, and it's a banger of a book by Waid and Mora, top DC creatives. But customers aren't pre-ordering this. (at the moment have less pre-orders for this than I have for WONDER WOMAN, our lowest-selling Trinity title). Sure, a lot of people will only make up their mind closer to the date (some only on the day of release, or later!). But as a shop, low pre-orders take away the confidence we need to bet on something, because this isn't returnable. What we order, we're "stuck" with. This is going to be risky and tricky to get right. Does anyone have a crystal ball handy I can borrow?"

Bleeding Cool has reported on DC Comics' tiered promotions for comic book retailers, which involve making additional cheap copies of Absolute Power titles available to stores if they order large amounts. Of course, there's nothing like persuading a store to up their number on a book that the suggestion that a neighbouring competing store might not have ordered quite enough.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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