Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, Comics, dc, East of west, image, infinity, marvel, saga, walking dead
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – Batman Beats Infinity
A collation of the top ten charts of a number if disparate store, measuring sales on Wednesdays and Thursdays only, those who can't wait till the weekend to buy their comics. A indication of unstoppable desire….
Think Infinity #1 was a shoo-in for the top spot this week? You'd think wrong. The power of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman has just powered through in most stores I talked to. In some stores, Infinity #1 was outsold by Nightwing and Batgirl. You live and learn. Note three creator/writer-owned comics in the top ten this week, a new record on the chart.
- Batman #23
- Infinity #1
- JLA #7
- Uncanny X-Men #10
- Saga #13
- Walking Dead #113
- East Of West #5
- Thor God Of Thunder #11
- Wolverine and X-men #34
- Star Wars #8
From the following retailers…
- Larry's Comics of Lowell, MA
- Curious Comics of Victoria, BC, Canada
- Impulse Creations of Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Eide's Entertainment of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Heroes of London, Canada
- Mayhem Comics of Ames and Des Moines, Iowa
- Pittsburgh Comics of McMurray, PA
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego
- Laughing Ogre Comics of Lansdowne and Fairfax, Virginia, and Columbus, Ohio.
- Librairie Astro of Montreal, Que, Canada
- Earth-2 Comics Sherman Oaks, CA
- Earth-2 Comics Northridge, CA
It's interesting that Saga is up there as a book that people have to run out and buy immediately now. Walking Dead, when all issues are sold, will be in the top 5 of this group.
I have two stores and contribute them separately because I am fascinated by the differences: how Batman beats Infinity in one store and it is reversed in the other. Or how in one store Batman Li'l Gotham makes the top 10 but I doubt that it will hold against the other stores that contribute.Infinity did gangbusters! A really strong week for Image with the shipment of three of their strongest titles. Saga has actually outsold Walking Dead so far this week; though I do find Walking Dead tends to be a bit more of a slow burn. It's a book for a more casual kind of customer who often wanders in months between visits to catch up on the series.
Infinity, Infinity, Infinity.
Clearly the book of the week in my shop, with a five dollar cover price to boot!
Fans have NO problem paying higher cover prices if the material is top notch.Supurbia #10 has 2o pages of stories on 20 interior pages for $3.99. The only ads are inside front cover, inside back cover and back cover.
Wolverine #8 sold out fast, could the reason be the first part of Killable???
Sold more copies of Scarlet Spider #20 (double my regular order) than Superior Spider-man Team-Up #2. Hope those who skipped the Superior Spider-man Team-Up buy what they missed next week.
Batman nearly doubled up the closest contender this week. Two Image titles, Saga and East of West in our top 10.
Diamond/UPS lost 35 titles this week and even though most of the books got in Thurs i still had good sales #'s. The only book that is completely off is JLA #7 since they will not be here until next week. Infinity would have still been the over-all winner for the week, however Batman still performed better than expected considering the Marvel event and JLA would of made DC Comics a contender for the best sales of the week from all the publishing companies.
>Infinity preludes are in demand. Back-issues of New 52 are still the most sought after issues in the after market.
Best Wednesday in a long while, would have cracked $20k if we had all the books when we opened.
Are you a retailer who wants to add your input? Contact Rich.
You can also check out previous weeks' bestseller lists.