Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Bob Harras, dc bloodbath, dc comics
Bob Harras, DC Comics Editor-In-Chief, Quits Early, Heads Home
Bob Harras, DC Comics Editor-In-Chief, Quits Early, Heads Home
Two weeks ago, Bleeding Cool reported on, and were the first to confirm, what was dubbed either a New DC Comics Implosion or a DC Bloodbath, depending on what mood you were in. The news that DC Comics was making swinging cuts amongst the most senior employees at the publisher, including Editor-In-Chief, Bob Harras. We also broke the news that Marie Javins and Michele Wells were, together, taking his position at the company. But we also reported that employees were being given ninety days notice, rather than the legally enforceable sixty days under Californian law. Of course, no one is obliged to take all those ninety days of paid employment if they don't wish to.
And Bob Harras, who was Editor-In-Chief at Marvel Comics from 1992 to 2000, and then Group Editor at DC Comics since 2005 – Editor-In-Chief from 2010 until this year – seems to have decided that enough is enough and yesterday, the day before the launch of the rapidly-shrinking DC Fandome event, was his last day. This may partially be down to the uncomfortable position of still working for a company in a position that has already been replaced by two others, one of whom had been your junior employee at both Marvel and DC. But moreover, I am told that this is down to Harass being an East Coaster at heart, that he moved to Los Angeles with DC Comics in 2014 under some duress, and can't wait to return to his family's home in New Jersey, accompanied by a rather generous redundancy package from DC.
What he does next, we have no idea. He may need a good long break. Could we see Archie Comics, Valiant Entertainment or AWA come a-calling? Those are currently the East Coast comic book publishers who traditionally take in former Marvel Comics employees of good standing. You can follow related stories with this link.