Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: bryan hitch, fantatsic four, gary frank, marvel, ultimates
Bryan Hitch Started Drawing The Ultimates Twenty Years Ago
Bryan Hitch posted a link to some of his original artwork for sale, from his own store. He tweeted "the art for my cover to FF Reckoning War is for sale in my store. Art is large at 35 x 50 cm". Just $3000 if you are interested.
Horror writer Nickbotic replied "Jesus that's gorgeous. Such an old-school Silver Age vibe from your work. Love it." Bryan Hitch replied "thanks. I used to be the cutting edge of modern but I'll take it!"
Gary Frank dived in "Comes to us all. If we're lucky enough to stick around" while Bryan responded "well I do feel like I've been fortunate enough to stay at certain level, increase my productivity and (from my own perspective) improve greatly in the last 20 years or more. It's 20 years this month since I started drawing Ultimates, for f-ck's sake."
Twenty years? That can't be true, Bryan must have made a mistake, let me do the maths… blimey. How come 1981 was forty years ago when it is clearly only twenty years ago? Gary Frank seems to have a similar take. "Yep, it's a rare feat to hang around so long. 20 years! I must have about 15 or 16 when it….. shit! We're old!!!!" Bryan replied "Yeah maybe but we're still kicking names and taking ass… Wait, that's not…." Gary concluded "In my case, it's more "forgetting names and taking aspirin".
I'm 49 tomorrow, folks. 49. Bryan Hitch started drawing The Ultimates when I was 28/29. How the hell? In 2008, Marvel Studios produced Iron Man, the look of which was largely based around Bryan Hitch's work on this series and continued through the Marvel Cinematic Universe so that they are releasing three movies and five TV series all continuing that aesthetic this year alone. Tip of the hat to you, sir. Whether silver-aged or silver-haired…